Chapter Twenty-one

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__"Shadow, you in there?" Sonic's voice called through the front door.
__Shadow groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He looked around his surroundings and saw his head was under the coffee table. He was now uncomfortable. He was puzzled on how he got his head under the table. Did he move in his sleep that much? He brought one hand under the table and felt his cheeks. They were dry but he had been crying. He then tried pulling his head from under the table, but his quills would not allow him too. Plus, he was still tired and didn't feel like moving.
__The front door opened and the sound of footsteps was loud. Sonic had stood by Shadow and looked down in confusion. "Shadow?" Sonic had grabbed one end of the coffee table and lifted it up. It took a bit for Shadow to realize he could move away. Sonic gently set the table back down before sitting next to Shadow. He was fighting the urge to not laugh. "What were you doing?"
__"I don't know," Shadow held in a yawn. "What are you doing here?"
__"I just wanted to see you," Sonic said innocently. "You doin' okay?"
__Shadow nodded. "Just woke up." He started rubbing his eyes.
__"Here, I'll make you coffee." Sonic stood up and walked into the kitchen.
__Shadow lifted his head up and looked at Sonic. "You don't have to."
__"It's fine! Really," Sonic reassured him. When he was finished he carefully held a mug as he walked over to Shadow. He handed it to Shadow and watched him drink immediately. "It's still hot!"
__Shadow set the mug of the coffee table and shrugged his shoulders. "Doesn't bother me." He felt Sonic lean on him. Ever since their first date things have been going smoothly with them. Shadow liked that Sonic felt comfortable touching him like this. He was more relieved that his own body was allowing Sonic to touch him.
__Navi had flown down the stairs to see what was happening. When she saw Sonic she rushed over to him and hugged him tightly.
__"Hi, Navi!" Sonic greeted brightly. He started rubbing her chin as he looked at Shadow. "I hope you don't mind, but I want to spend the whole day with you."
__"What about Milo?" Shadow asked before drinking his coffee.
__"Milo can take care of himself," Sonic assured. "He knows to stay inside and can feed himself. I don't have any plans, but I don't want to spend the whole day at my house. You don't mind, right?"
__"Course not. I've been enjoying your company."
__"Aw!" Sonic leaned his head on Shadow's. "You're sweet."
__"Quiet," Shadow grumbled. He flattened his ears when Sonic started giggling. "Don't laugh at me!"

__Shadow and Sonic were walking around the city. They had been talking the entire time. People would sometimes stop to stare at what they were doing, but Shadow ignored them. He was too invested in their conversation. Sonic had been talking about what he wanted his future to be. Shadow was interested in the way Sonic described it. He could actually see it happening.
__They walked over to the park and sat down on the warm, soft grass. Sonic had pressed himself against Shadow and closed his eyes. Shadow was examining the clouds in the sky. He enjoyed the warmth of Sonic's body as the clouds moved ever so slowly. After a few minutes, he looked down at Sonic. He seemed to be sleeping. Shadow noticed that Sonic smiled while he slept. Seeing Sonic smile always made Shadow feel good.
__Shadow looked around the park to see if anyone was watching them. The park seemed empty. Shadow then looked over by a sign and straightened. He saw Nate standing by it, staring directly at him. Shadow now felt uneasy. He tried moving and felt Sonic slip off him. He quickly turned his head and caught Sonic. Sonic had groaned and opened his eyes as he moved away from Shadow.
__"Did I fall asleep?" He asked tiredly. "Sorry."
__"You're fine." Shadow turned back to look at the sign but Nate was gone. He scanned the entire area and couldn't find him. Sonic seemed to notice his panic.
__"What's going on?"
__Shadow calmed down and looked at Sonic. "I thought I saw Nathaniel."
__"Who's Nathaniel?"
__"He's that tiger that fired me," Shadow muttered.
__"What?" Sonic started looking around. "Here?"
__"He's gone now," Shadow sighed.
__Sonic looked back at Shadow with concern. "Is he really bothering you?"
__"I keep forgetting you don't know what's happening."

__That night they went back to Shadow's house. Sonic had said he would go home around eight, but they've been distracted and he didn't leave. They hung out in Shadow's room and eventually fell asleep. To this point Shadow didn't really think about what would happen after waking up from his reoccurring nightmares.
__"Shadow! Shadow! Wake up!" Sonic was shaking the sleeping hedgehog desperately.
__Shadow woke up while panting. He could still feel the tears falling down his cheeks. Shadow sat up immediately and hid his face from Sonic. He didn't want him to see him like this. He desperately wiped away his tears and caught himself looking at the photo on the computer desk. That made him feel worse.
__Sonic had carefully crawled over to Shadow and put a hand on his back. "Are you okay? What's going on?"
__Shadow sighed, trying to stop himself from trembling. He didn't want anyone knowing about his nightmares. He kept himself from looking at Sonic. "I...I don't want to talk about it."
__Sonic didn't say anything. He just wrapped his arms around Shadow and dug his face into his neck.
__"What are you doing?" Shadow's voice shook as he spoke.
__"Comforting you," Sonic said softly.
__Shadow pulled away from him and stood up. "Don't!"
__"Why not?" Sonic asked in confusion. "You need it right now."
__"No I don't!" Shadow forced himself to calm down.
__Sonic stood up and tried grabbing Shadow's hand. "Hey, it's okay."
__Shadow quickly retracted his hand and his it behind his back. "Just stop. I need..." Shadow looked around for Navi but couldn't find her. He then left the bedroom and found Navi on the couch. When Navi saw Shadow she immediately flew over and hugged him. Shadow had been using Navi as his personal comfort blanket most mornings. She always helped calm him down.
__Sonic walked over to Shadow. He looked disappointed as Shadow looked at him. "I'll be going then if you don't need me." He started walking when Shadow spoke.
__"It's not you," Shadow muttered. "I'm sorry." He let go of Navi and reluctantly grabbed Sonic's hand.
__"You're not going to tell me what's going on or allow me to comfort you on it, are you?" Sonic asked.
__Shadow shook his head slowly. "No, but that doesn't mean I want you to leave."
__Sonic grinned, but his eyes were still hurt. "Well, I have to anyway. I've been gone all night. Milo probably misses me." Sonic went to hug Shadow before exiting the house.
__Shadow was frozen. That hug didn't feel right. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't like it. Did he do something wrong? Shadow thought back to his nightmare. He began to realize he started getting them after spending time with Sonic and their chao; when he realized now that Sonic had been acting nervously. Is this your way of telling me I'm doing something wrong, Maria? He asked desperately. Why wouldn't you want me to be with him?

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