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'Ashley suck ass'
Kelsey yells at Ashley
as she playfully beats her.

Ashley laughing says
'Ow'..Kelsey was
Beating Ashley

Because she commented
On her post about Avery
Coming to Florida today.

Ashley says 'okay sorry'
Kelsey stops beating her and says
'Okay take it down'.

Ashley says 'okay!'
Kelsey watched as Ashley takes
Down the comment that only a
Few people hearted! GREAT!

-time skips-
Kelsey was totally impatient
About Avery coming so slept to waste time.
Okay maybe she slept too long because
Avery has been here for a while.

Avery finally had it
With Kelsey sleeping like
Sleeping beauty.

She walks into Kelsey room
and slides behind Kelsey,
Immediately hugging her from the waist.

Kelsey says sleepy 'Ashley is she here?'
Avery blushes and says 'yeah Ma Ma I'm here'
Kelsey turns around and sees Avery.

She screams and say 'OMG YOUR HERE'
I've been waiting for like hours!

Avery laughs and says 'I've literally been here for like 2 hours'.
Kelsey says her mouth dropping 'what?'
Avery makes a baby face.

Kelsey says 'baby why didn't you
wake me up silly'. Avery says 'I don't know'.

Kelsey says hugging her 'your here tho'.
Avery smiles and say 'yeah I'm here'.



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Username-Omg we missed you!
Username-@averybabymama we're waiting for the kiss?
Username-stop pressing that kiss dumbO
Username-Lmaoo Kelsey is literally dead
averybabymama-@username she just woke up so yeah she's a pretty dead one tho
Username-I feel Kelsey mood 100 out of 10

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