Chapter 2

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Spencer tucked his phone into his back pocket, sighing softly. He really wasn't even sure if he actually wanted to party, but Brandon was being persistent. He was rummaging through his drawers, sifting through his clothing.

"No, not this," he was muttering. "Not this either..where did I put that shir- ahAH!" Brandon whips out a white, button up dress shirt, tossing it at Spencer. "Put this on."

Spencer looked down at the shirt that was in his hands doubtfully. "This?"

"Yes, that. I won't look, honest." He turns his body away and crosses his arms, waiting.

Spencer removed the shirt he was wearing hesitantly and slides his arms into the sleeves, which were a bit loose on him. He began buttoning it all the way up, soon finishing it. "Alright, done."

"Okay, let me se- dude. No."

Spencer looks down at his shirt. "What? What's wrong with it?"

Brandon shook his head and strode over to Spencer, unbuttoning the top three. "You don't button it up all the way." He glances at the shirt's cuffs. "Did you really button those too? Oh, my God, no." He unbuttons those too, rolling them up, taking a step back to look at Spencer afterwards, nodding. "That looks a lot better."

"Really? This feels...weird. Are you sure I don't look like a total idiot?"

"No, of course not. You look great."

"I don't believe you," Spencer replies flatly, looking in the mirror. "Though...I guess it doesn't look too bad.."

Brandon smiles widely. "What'd I tell you? Now, come on, we gotta head out."

Grabbing his phone and keys, Spencer nods following Brandon out to his car, which was a complete mess. He didn't comment on it though and they made conversation as they drove to the frat house. Apparently Brandon's family was extremely wealthy, and was a sophomore this year. He said he'd be majoring in English, just like Spencer, though he was going to be a journalist, whereas Spence wanted to be a college professor. He told Brandon about his Derek, about how they'd been friends since they were five, and how hard his senior year really was.

Overall, Spencer really liked Brandon.

"You ready?" Brandon asks as he parks in front of a huge house.

Partygoers were already surrounding the exterior of the home, holding drinks in their hands, already drunk.

"I suppose I have no choice but to be ready," Spencer replies nervously, stepping out of the car after his new friend.

Brandon gives his arm a pat. "Attaboy." The two boys walk up to the front door, loud music reverberating the very foundations of it. Brandon opens the door, gesturing his hand towards the inside. "Welcome to your future."

Spencer steps inside, crossing his arms over his chest, the door closing behind Brandon. Drinks are immediately shoved into their hands by a total stranger, the boy whooping loudly. He only glances down at the drink and sets it down, deciding he wouldn't be drinking tonight.

"Can't hold your liquor?!" Brandon shouts over the music.

Spencer scrunches his nose up. "I don't like drinking!" he yelled back.

If this is all a party entails, I really haven't been missing out a lot.

Scanning his eyes around the rooms as he and Brandon walk into the living room, Spencer notices that most people are either grinding on one another, or making out with people they probably didn't even know.

Spencer had been too caught up observing his surroundings that he'd lost sight of Brandon. He whips his head around in every direction, furrowing his brows together.

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