Chapter 7

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Both Spencer and Brandon both look towards the door of their room as they hear a knock. Their faces bore clear confusion as the pair looked at each other at the same time, wondering who was gonna get it. Spencer wasn't sure why they were both so hesitant to answer it; it was almost as if they knew what was going on, and what was going to happen.

"Alright, shit, don't pull my leg about it," Brandon uttered playfully as he opened the door. He smiled widely. "My man!"

"And your woman," Spencer heard an all too familiar voice say.

Spencer froze in place as he perked his head over his book to see Derek standing in the doorway, a girl standing awkwardly behind him. 

"Hey," the girl said meekly, directed at Brandon.

Brandon gulped as he stood aside to let them in. "Uh...okay, wow, this is- wow. This is a little weird." He laughed nervously. "Um...come on in, I guess."

Derek stepped in, followed by the brown haired girl. A wave of jealousy coursed through him, wondering why the two were together. Spencer closed his book and lightly threw it on one of the piles he had around his bed. He wasn't exactly sure how to act anymore, his brows furrowed. Glancing briefly at Brandon, he noticed that he was staring at the girl with his mouth slightly ajar.

"Wow," Spencer began, practically ignoring Derek, who was standing idly in front of him. "This is the first time I've ever seen Brandon shut up for more than a few seconds."

Brandon tore his gaze away from the girl to scowl at Spence. "Shut up, nerd. Don't you have a book to throw at Derek or something?"

Spencer looked at the girl curiously, his jealousy subsiding the more he realized this girl was more invested in Brandon than Derek. "Who's this?"

"My name is Ava," she provided, looking at Spencer with a little smile. "You must be Spencer. Brandon and Derek never shut up about you. It's hard to figure out who's more infatuated with you: Derek or-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, be quiet," Brandon interrupted. He looked down at her fondly though. "I've missed you." That was the softest voice he'd ever heard Brandon used, and it surprised him. He'd never seen his roomie act so calm, like he was in a daze.

"Simp," Spencer muttered.

"Listen, you little shit-" Brandon began.

Ava grabbed Brandon's arm, smiling a soft smile up at him. "Why don't we go take a walk. We...have some things we need to talk about."

Brandon slowly nodded, slipping his shoes on. "Yeah, alright, I'm coming."

The two walked out, leaving Derek and Spencer alone. They sat in silence for a bit, which was odd for them; they were usually very chatty with one another, their conversation ranging from a multitude of different topics. But tonight was different, and so was their dynamic. They both knew what happened, but one was unwilling to admit it, and the other refused to bring it up again. To be fair, the situation they found themselves in was less than ideal, and neither of them seemed to be ready to begin the conversation. Spencer pondered what he'd even say; what do you say to your same sex friend after you made out with them?

Derek sighed and sat next to Spencer. "I'm sorry about earlier," he finally said, starting the conversation. "I didn't mean to say the things I did. And I don't know why I lied about it."

Spencer blinked a little in surprise, raising an eyebrow. "You lied?" He wanted to hear Derek say it. No, he needed to hear him say it.

"Yes, I lied. About...not remembering what happened between us last night. And about, feelings towards you. And I'm so sorry about that. I wasn't sure how to approach the situation, how to come out I really feel."

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