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    Hello! This is just your friendly neighborhood author-chan. I just want to go ahead and give you a big thank you for reading this. I'm still an improving writer, so it may not be too amazing, but I'm mainly doing this for fun. Some places in this book will be a sort of 'slice of life' kind of thing, but other times will be intense, so just stick with it if you get bored, because I guarantee that there will be some action right around the corner. The romance part of the fan fiction will be an extreme slow burn, but everything will be worth the wait, I promise. If there are any spelling or grammatical errors please tell me, and I would love some feed back if possible. I plan on updating every week if all goes according to plan. Enough with the introductions, here are the abbreviations and their meanings. I may add some along the way.

    (Y/N): Your Name

    (L/N): Last Name

    (F/C): Favorite Color

    (F/F): Favorite Food

    (M/N): Mother's Name

    (F/N): Father's Name

    (B/N): Brother's Name

    (E/C): Eye Color

    (S/T): Skin Tone

    (H/C): Hair Color

    (H/L): Hair Length

    Well, that's all for the abbreviations. I just wanted to add that for any new fan fiction readers, because I know I was super confused when I first started. The reader will have the pronouns of she/her. I simply don't really know how to right from a guys perspective. The first chapter should be up in a few days! Happy reading!

Whirlwind - Demon Slayer x readerWhere stories live. Discover now