[A/N I'm so sorry it took my forever to update! Enjoy! 😄]
As the weeks went on Haz and I got closer. Yeah we have nicknames, Harry thought it would be a cute thing to do. I guess it is.
Anyways I'm starting football again, today actually is my first day back from my little incident. To say I'm excited it an understatement! I just can't wait! Slowly I have been exercising to get my body used to the active ness of the sport. Practice doesn't start until around 7:30 pm. Right now it is 4:00 pm so I still have some time to kill. I already had my classes today so I'm going to go back to the dorm to see what Harry wants to do. Knowing him were probably going to play some cards or cuddle. he loves to cuddle most people would think it's weird that we do but ever since that first night I slept with him we just got a cuddle connection.
My feelings towards him still haven't changed. I'm starting to like him more each day. I wanted to take him out, but I don't know what he would say. I really want him to feel something between us like I do, that's unlikely, he does everything in such a friendly way. that doesn't stop me from flirting with him and teasing him. I've been so caught up in Haz that I haven't even slept with another guy. I'd say I'm pretty proud of myself this is the longest I've gone. That's also another reason why Harry wouldn't want to date me. I've been with soo many guys and I think, I know he thinks in a type of manwhore. Hell, he's even called me one before. But that was before we got really close, my mind is all over the place right now.
I stop at the cafe and have a cup of tea. Thinking for a bit. Mostly about him. I have no idea what this boy is doing to me. I spend a little more time there. trying to get him off my mind and relax for a while. Before I leave I pick up a couple sweets for Harry and I. When I walk outside I notice that the sky light is dimming, making me wonder what time it is. I pull out my phone and che- Holy Shit!!!! It's almost 5:30 I've spent way to much time there. I rush back to the dorms to spend as much time with Harry as I can before I have to go to Footie practice. I'm approaching my dorm and stand in from of it trying to catch my breathe. I slowly unlock the door to see Harry on his phone. I smile to myself.
"Hey Haz, sorry I'm late I just went to the cafe for a while. I even picked up some treats! I got your favorite banana nut muffin!" I say with a smile
All he does is look over and nod at me and turns his attention back at his phone. Well that's really strange. Usually he is all jumpy when I get back. I don't know what wrong.
"Are you okay?" I ask softly
He does nothing.
"Harry." I say
"C'mon Haz what's wrong ? What did I do?" Still nothing. I watch him for a while and all he does is mess with his phone, playing a game or texting someone I don't know,but it's staring to piss me off.
"Harry!" I say one last time, I swear I'm going to lose my temper fast.
Still nothing fucking nothing!!!That's it.
"Damnit Harry!!!" I walk over to him and snatch his phone out of his hand . Bring my hands to my hips and just stare at him with an angry face.
"What the hell Louis!?" He shouts trying to reach for his precious phone.
"No tell me what's wrong why are you ignoring me all of the sudden?!?" I question
He try's to reach his phone yet again not answering me.
"YOU ITS YOU!!!!" He yells in my face.
"Me? What the hell did I do?" I question confused. is it about me being late?
He sighs and lovers his voice " It's not what you did, it's what your going to do." his voice cracks a little.
"What?" Still so confused by this whole situation.
He looks at me with so much hurt in his eyes, it makes my heart break.
"You start up football again today."
"Yeah? What's that have to do with any of this ?" I ask
"I- it's just when you where in football before you- you weren't very nice to me. you always brought boys here and got mad at me for everything. Your a different person when your with your mates. I don't want to go back to the way it was. When you were always out partying, coming back late, hating me." he finally let's out. Almost on the verge of tears. He is avoiding eye contact with me and it literally breaks my heart to see him like this.
"Is that what you think will happen? Harry, no. So much has changed between us. I would never leave you again. As for being mean. How can I be even rude to my cute little Hazza? Harry I want to let you know and I promise that starting up football again will defiantly NOT change anything between us! Your my bestfriend and I love you!" I explain softly. I gently put my fingers under his chin and pull it up making him look up at me. His green orbs look into my blue. A tear runs down his face and I wipe it away, and I finally being him into a big BooBear hug as he likes to call them. We hug for a couple minutes reassuring him nothing is going to happen.
"Are you okay now?" I say as I pull back
"Yeahh, it was kind of dumb for me to cry like that, sorry for making a big deal out of it." he apologizes.
"Hey it's okay, no need to apologize love, you have every right to think that, it's not dumb you were just worrying, which you don't have to anymore okay?"
"Okay!" He says with a smile. I sit him back and pull out his muffin that has gotten a little cold since we let it sit for a while. he gladly accepts it and thanks me for the treat.
"We decided to put on Friends. aka our favorite show. We cuddled until 7:00 the I had to start getting ready for practice. I walk out the door after I give Haz a kiss on the cheek, and make my way to the field were I belong.
HEY BABES! I am extremely sorry that k didn't update for like two weeks! I've been super busy runny around Christmas shopping, you know how it is ! Lol
For any of you that celebrate it I hope you had a very merry Christmas! It was a wonder time this year! Alsooooo I hope you spend you New Year's Eve great! Be safe!!!
See you nxt Saturday!!!!
Lots and lots of love!!!

Roommates (Larry Stylinson)
FanfictionThey were roommates. Roommates that hated each other. That's how their story started. More description inside!