Chapter 3

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It had been about a week since mine and Louis' little "incident" happened. It's been nothing but awkward for me. He always smirks at me, like I'm his prey. I try to avoid him as much as possible.

He constantly stares at me, makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't know what it is but I get this twist in my stomach when we make eye contact! Louis Tomlinson isn't that same person I knew and thought of a week ago.

Currently Louis is at his football practice (a/n soccer just to clear it up) and me, well I'm, I'm not really doing anything. I'm bored and just waiting for Louis to get back.

A few hours pass before someone crashes through my door. I jump in shock and quickly look to see who it is. Two boys in their footie jerseys carrying Louis to his bed.

"What happened?!" I asked frantically when I see Louis passed out.

"Coach told us to try a new position just for the day to see what else we can do, and well Louis chose to be the goalie." he sighed but continued,

" When he went to go catch a ball he jumped to the side and hit his head really hard on the post. he had to get stitches and has a minor concussion. He's going to be out for a couple weeks. Just make sure he take his pills yeah?"

I simply just nodded not taking my eyes off of Louis. With that the two boys left.

I wonder how long Louis is going to be out for...


It's know 10 o'clock, Louis still has yet to wake up which kind of makes me worried. I throw on my pajamas and go to bed.

Feels like not even 10 minutes later I hear a lot of whimpering.

"Ha-Harry" I hear quietly.

I get out of bed and walk to Louis' side of the room and turn on his lamp.

"Hey Louis, how you feeling?" I gently ask

"It hurts, Harry it hurts please make it stop." Louis says while poring out silent tears, he looks so fragile.

"Okay Lou here's your pills they'll help you feel better." I hand him the pills which he gladly gulps down. I wait until he falls asleep to go back to my side and lay down.

Again I'm being woken up! I glance at my clock and it's like 2 am! I look up to see Louis poking me on my side, he looks half asleep.

"Louis are you okay? You need to go back you your bed! Is your head hurting?"

" M'fine Haz, calm down jeeeezzz." I noticed right after he talked that he's fücking loopy from damn medication!

"Okay Louis just go back to bed" I start to get up, to put him in his own bed.

"NO! Hazzy I wanna sleep with you, please" He pleads

"Louis c'mon let just get you to bed" I say in a calming voice trying not to raise it like he is doing.

"Please! I know you want me to! Baby let me please!?" I can't believe he's acting like such a child right now!

"Fine. let's just lay down and sleep yeah?" With that he nods his head with a big smile on his face.

As soon as we get in bed Louis turns to face me, raps his arm around my waist and puts his head on my chest. I'm in total shock right now I have never seen Louis like this and to be quite honest he looks really cute.

Although the feeling is still pretty foreign to me, I take the opportunity and rap my arm around Louis' body pulling his closer to mine. I guess you can say it's weird that I'm holding Louis considering I have a smaller, weaker body. I do like to be held but I like the way this feels right now.

I have know idea how tomorrow morning is going to be like but I'll just enjoy the time I have with him now.

I go to bed comfortable, with Louis' and my body parts tangled up. I wish it can always be like this

With a kiss to Louis bruised cheek, I'm out like a light.


HEY GUYS!!! How'd you guys like this chapter? It's quite eventful and longer than what I thought it would be! But seriously I hope you guys are really liking my book so far! Please vote? Or comment? It would mean the world!

Also! Sorry this updated it a day late. I always post on Saturdays but my day yesterday was very busy! Hope y'all understand and I'll talk to you next Saturday!

Love you guys! Much much love!

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