Chapter 7

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When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is look at Louis bed. He's here. Tangled in his duvet. Thankfully nobody is in there with him I don't know what I would do I there was. Since today's Sunday I don't have any classes, but at this point I wish I did. I don't want to be in he same room with Louis and going to a class would give me an excuse not too.

I decided to finally get out of bed after 30 minutes of thinking and biting my nails.

I do my daily routine; take a shower, get dressed, and brush my teeth. When I walk out if the bathroom we shared. Louis stirs in his sleep and I try to be more quiet.

"Mm Harry?" I freeze in my spot and slowly turn around to face him. all I do is stare at him.

His blue eye pierce into my green.

"Haz I- I'm sorry!" He says

Rolling my eyes I turn back around and try to organize my dresser. trying to ignore him as much as possible.

"Please Haz, really I'm sorry". He pleads

Suddenly I feel a presence behind me then warm arm around me.

Feeling like I'm going to cry I shrug out of his grip and find something else to distract me.

"C'mon here me out!!" Louis says, almost as if he's annoyed that I'm not talking to him. why should get to the angry one? I'm the one he broke his promise to. Thinking of this get me flaming.

" And here you say what Louis? That your mates made you go? That you didn't mean to be there? Or the fact that your sorry you didn't even invite me!!" I shout quickly turning to face him.

" Look I know it sounds bad but-" I but in

" No buts Louis. Why did you lie to me? Did you even care about me being here waiting for you ?"


"NO, I'm not finished. Louis I thought we had something going in between us! Look what I did last night!" I said pointing to the nice meal I had set up for him last night.

"I spent so much time on that! You don't even care, do you know what really hurts me the most? The fact that you constantly lied about liking me, that you weren't going to be that guy anymore!!!" Voice cracking and tears threatening to fall.

"But I- I guess you just don't care huh? Why did you lead me I. If you were just going to disappoint me?" I whisper letting the tears fly free down my face.

"Honestly I can't stand to even be in the same room as you right now. I need I go" quickly grabbing my wallet and jacket heading towards to door only to have one thing stop me.

"Wait Harry! I- I love you!!" Louis finally chokes out.

I turn around, not believing what he had so desperately said.

He looks at me with pleading eyes. With that I had to leave, I know If I had stayed any longer I would've caved.

Does he really love me ?

Hello my lovelies! It's an update! Yaaaaay! Sorry it took so long but omg so sad! What is Louis going to do?

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Love you guys😘


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