Chapter 1

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My day has been dragging on, thankfully it's my last class, then I can go back to my dorm and peacefully get some rest if Louis doesn't have any of his "friends with benefits" over. I don't feel like putting up with him right now. My advanced classes are already starting to stress me out and I can't have more piling up on my plate.

For the remaining 25 minutes I pay attention to my professor, I can't afford to fail my classes.

Finally class ended and now I'm on my way to my room. Just as I thought, Louis laying on MY bed with some guy grinding on him.

"Seriously!?!" I yell which makes both of them stop and look up at me. Louis thin lips pull up into a smirk knowing that he's pissing me off.

"Oh hey Harold, I didn't think you would back so soon." The smirk never leaving his face.

"Do you mind ? I'm in a middle of something." Motioning to his little 'friend' who is too busy sucking on Louis neck to even care that I'm in the room.

"Yeah on MY BED!!" I snap back.

"So?" He replies

"You know what? Fine. Have you're fun I'm leaving." Placing my bag on the floor and grabbing my phone and wallet.

"No one asked you to stay." He smartly remarks.

I just shoot him a dirty look and slam the door behind me. I make a mental note to wash my sheets and everything on my bed, I don't know how far Louis plans on going.
I decide to walk to the coffee shop just off of campus, and call my mates Niall and Liam to meet me there.

I order a cappuccino, I'll need the energy to study later tonight. Finally they arrive and we chat for a couple of hours. Most of the conversation was me complaining about Louis. They just listen and tell me how much I deserve a good roommate, I really love them.

By the time I get in my room it's 9 o'clock and thank God Louis isn't there... Probably at some party. Not my type of thing. I decide to just start studying for my unit test next Wednesday. I can't focus on my notes I'm too worried about if Louis brings another slu- I mean friend over tonight. Since I can't even focus I just get in bed trying not think about the dirty things that could've happened on there, and close my eyes, finally resting.

Today was a long one and I'm glad it's come to an end.


How do you guys like it? Honestly I think it's okay so far! Please leave a comment it'll help me! Give me some advice 😊
Love you😘

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