Chapter 8

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You dropped your bowl of cereal; you could barely breathe as it spilled all over your blood red rug. After several moments of utter silence and shock, you blinked multiple times to focus. Even the people on the television fell silent, overcome with disbelief and fear. You stared at the TV and Tony Stark, who was glaring at his interviewers with the utmost seriousness. His eyes manifested his genuine honesty; Tony wasn't playing any of his "I-am-Tony-Stark-so-I-can-do-what-I-want" tricks. The matter was far too serious to joke about. After what seemed like an eternity, Stark spoke again.

"I highly advise everyone to remain calm. There are forces working at this very moment to stop Loki," he stated.

"And by 'forces,' you mean the Avengers, correct?" someone asked the second Tony was finished speaking. Tony looked the man in the eyes.

"The Avengers have been called to assemble, but I have not recieved any word of them accepting yet; as the call was only placed last night."

The crowd went into a wild tumult. People in all directions were flooding Stark with a wave of questions and concerns.

"What is your plan?"

"What will happen if the Avengers do not accept?"

"How much time do we have left?"

You watched as Tony turned from the crowd and disappeared from the camera's view.

Before you knew it, the breaking news broadcast disappeared. You quickly turned off the television as you gathered your thoughts. As of then, your mind was completely blank.

Loki is attacking the world was all you could think.

After minutes of sitting still as stone on your couch, you remembered the spilled cereal on the rug. You quickly picked up the bowl, sweeped up the soggy cereal, and wiped the rug. After putting the rug in the washing machine, you brushed teeth, took a quick shower, and changed into your casual outfit of a tshirt and jeans. Your hands seemed to tremble as you brushed your damp hair. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your skin and E/C eyes were unusually pale and your lips quivered.

You eventually decided to take a walk to calm down. You left your apartment and walked towards the stairwell. Hurrying down the stairs, you concentrated on the air rushing past you to clear your mind. You opened the door of the lobby and stepped into the crisp New York air. You looked to your left and took off walking.


Loki was perched on the roof of the apartment building, in the form of a raven. He looked below him at the sidewalk in front of the entrance of the building. After a couple minutes, Loki saw someone come out of the building. It was a woman in a tshirt and jeans. As she began walking away from the building, Loki caught a glimpse of her face. It was the face of Y/N.

Loki followed Y/N until he was sure she'd turn a corner. He flew down around the corner and took his Tom Hiddleston form. He walked towards the corner that he knew Y/N would turn. As she turned the corner, Loki and Y/N collided.

Y/N gasped as she took a step backwards. Loki looked her in the eyes and smiled.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, "What a pleasant surprise!" Y/N looked him up and down before smiling back.

"Oh, Tom! You startled me for a second," Y/N replied.

"I am sorry." Loki bowed his head slightly as a plea for forgiveness. Y/N chuckled.

"It's all right," she said, "Where are you off to?" Loki shrugged.

"I am merely taking a walk around." He shifted nervously on his feet and looked at thr ground. "I have not had a proper meal this morning," Loki stated, slowly looking back up at Y/N. "Would you like to join me for breakfast?" Her face lit up with excitment. There was also a blush that stained her cheeks. Y/N nodded.

"Sure!" Y/N exclaimed, causing Loki to grin. He extended his hand for Y/N to take.

"Let us depart then!" Loki said. Y/N looked slowly from his eyes to his outstretched hand. She blushed even more as she took it, their fingers entwining together. They walked off in search of the restaurant that Loki had already chosen, never letting their hands part.

A God and a Midgardian (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now