Part one

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My eyes suddenly flew open and I felt a cold, hard surface against my back. Drawing in a breath I coughed on the stale air and tried to identify my surroundings, I stood up and walked to my right until my foot hit a large box and I stumbled backwards.

"Crap that hurt"

I mumbled to myself and began slowly moving again. My hands hit against a hard surface and I tried to think what it might be. After a minute my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I realized I was in some sort of box full of crates and cages. All of a sudden I felt a surge of movement and the box began moving upwards, the force made me fall flat onto my back and I lay looking up through the holes in the box trying to see what was above me. Panick started to set in as I realized I couldn't remember a thing.

Not my famliy, or my friends, where I was from and even my own name. I stood back up and began pounding on the walls.

"Help! Somebody please! Help me.." I cried out as loud as I could, a tear fell from my eye and another and so on. I sat down against a crate and began to sob.

After what I thought was about 10 minutes I sat up and tried screaming for help once again, but with no answer I went to sit down. Out of nowhere the box shook and I tripped over a rope on the ground. I fell to the hard bottom and my head hit against the sharp corner of a cage.

-------------------------------------time skip----------------------------------

Soon my eyes fluttered open as a light began to shine into the box. I brought a hand over my eyes not yet used to the brightness, looking up I saw door being pulled open on either side and I heard many voices coming from above.

A loud noise came from the other end of the box as someone jumped down into it. I started slowly backing away from the person who I could tell was definitely a boy,

"A girl? What the bloody hell?" The boy said confused

"Who are you! Where am I?" I asked slightly startled hearing my own voice, much different than I expected.

"Just calm down alright" the boy said in a thick accent, my eyes had adjusted and I could see him standing in front of me. He had blonde hair and a very kind looking face. After a minute I slowly stood up using a crate for support, a sharp pain shot through my head and I brought my hand up to my temple. Looking at my hand once I pulled it away I saw a considerable amount of blood on it and my breath began to quicken again.

"Hey it's okay, c'mon lets get you up out of here" the blonde boy said extending his hand to mine. I took it and he helped me over the the edge. Lifting me up another boy grabbed my arm from above and pulled me up out of the box. About 40-50 other boys crowded around me some making stupid remarks

"I got dibs!" One said "I can't see, is she hot?" Another said laughing

"Dear god shut up!" I yelled at all of them and everyone immediately became silent. Looking at the crowd once more I realized one thing, I was the only girl.

I pushed my way through the boys and looked around at where I had arrived. Four huge stone walls covered in ivy rose up on all sides of me, each one with a large opening straight down the middle.

A dark skinned by approached me and began to talk

"Hey greenie, my name is Alby. Welcome to the glade" he said gesturing around "can you tell us anything about yourself? Your name, where you're from?"

"No, no I- I can't remember anything, why can't I remember anything?" I said feeling scared. "It's normal greenie, it happened to all of us. You'll get your name back in a day or two, that's the one thing they let us keep" he replied

"Who?" I asked "the shanks who put us here" the blonde one said in his warm accent stepping forward from the crowd.

'What the hell is a shank?' I thought but shrugged it off when Alby started speaking again. "Newt here will take you for the tour now" he said pointing to the blonde kid. I nodded my head and followed the boy I now know as Newt away from the box.

-------------------------------------time skip----------------------------------

After showing me around the place they all called the glade, And getting the cut on my head bandaged up. Newt and I walked over to the building he had called the homestead. Glancing over to my left I noticed a boy standing a bit away from us leaning against a tree. Our eyes locked for a moment and I stopped walking. "Hey greenie, hello?" Newt said waving his hand in front of my eyes gaining my attention once again.

"What's his name?" I asked, pointing over to the boy. 'Who I just noticed is quite attractive... Oh brain shut the hell up' I thought

"Him? Oh that's Gally, keep your distance from that bloody shank. He can be pretty rude sometimes" Newt replied shaking his head and slightly chuckling, he began walking back to the building.

After explaining the way things work around the glade Newt brought me over to a small kitchen to get dinner.

A dark skinned boy with a contagious smile handed me a bowl of stew and I gladly took it just then realizing how hungry I had gotten. "Thank you" I quietly said and the boy replied "No problem greenie, My names Frypan by the way. Nice to meet you"

I smiled at him and followed Newt over to a table with a few other boys seated at it already. "Greenie meet Minho" he said pointing at a aisan boy sitting across from me. He took my hand and firmly shook it. I ate while Newt introduced me to a few others and small greetings were exchanged.

-------------------------------------time skip----------------------------------

The sun had set and Newt and I sat leaning against a log looking at the huge bonfire in front of us. Laughing and talking for a bit. He handed me a jar of a strange colour liquid and told me to drink it. Taking a huge gulp it burned my throat and I just managed to swallow it but began to cough. "What the hell is that it tasted horrible!" I said handing it back to Newt

"I have no clue, it's Gally's secret recipe" he replied laughing and taking a sip. "You'll get used to it"

"Yeah I don't know about that" I said laughing along with him. He stood up suddenly and helped me up so I was standing beside him. "Let's go enjoy ourselves, you're supposed to be the guest of honor" Newt said with a big grin on his face.

I followed him around and met various others all hanging around the fire. After a bit I had been talking to Minho and getting to know him, I decided to go find Newt. Who had gone off somewhere else.

Walking around looking for him I accidentally bumped into someone. "Watch it you shank!" He said angrily and I noticed it was Gally. "Sorry" I said sarcastically and walked off.

'What. a. jerk.'

A/N I don't know what this is, it's late and I am very tired .help. also enjoy :) idk.

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