Part Two

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After finding Newt and meeting a few others I decided to get some sleep. Since I'm the only girl Alby decided I should get a room in the homestead, I am very happy about that. At least I get some privacy.

Once I get inside I shut the door behind me and take a deep breath. I walk slowly over to the small bed near the wall, And immediately lay down onto it. I shut my eyes and try my hardest to find a memory of anything or anyone but nothing comes. A tear rolls down my cheek as I realize I'll probably never be able to see my family again. Not that I'd remember them anyway. But still, the feeling of not knowing anything about my past was kinda scary in a way. 

Soon my thoughts drift to other, random, things. Random things like Gally. 'I wonder why he was so rude to me at the fire?' I never did anything to him. I never even spoke to him before that. 

Gosh nothing makes sense.


I wake up shivering and notice that I never put on a blanket, I must've fallen asleep quickly. Standing up I walk over to the small window in my room and look out over the glade. The sun is shining and a few people are wandering about.

I put my dark brown hair up into a bun and leave my room closing the door quietly so as not to wake anyone still sleeping. I walk out onto the grass and look around to see who's up. Once I see Newt I walk over to say good morning.

"Morning Newt" I say with a small smile

"Good morning love, sleep well?" He said smiling back

"Yeah I guess" I reply yawning

"Well hopefully you're not too tired because today you'll be starting a job" He chuckled lightly and mentioned we should get some breakfast. While walking over to the kitchen I look to my side and see Gally standing there with a scowl on his face.

'Can he ever smile?' I think and roll my eyes. I refocus my attention on Newt who is handing me some food, and we go and sit at a table with a few others who's names I can't remember. "So greenie, today you'll be working as a builder" Newt says with his mouth full of food.

"Yeah okay, with who exactly?" I ask stifling a giggle at Newts lack of manners.

"Gally, he's the keeper of the builders" Newt replied

"God, Why does it have to be him? I done think he likes me much" I say, now slightly annoyed.

"Well it's only one bloody day, I think you'll survive. Plus he doesn't really like anyone all that much" he says with laugh

Soon we finished out meal and everyone went their own ways starting to work. I walked over to where Gally and a few others were standing and asked what I could do. "Oh god I seriously have to have you working today" he said sounding thoroughly annoyed "she probably can't lift a thing"

"Gally, Shut up and tell me what I can do to help. Let's just get this over with" I reply sharply

"Whatever" he retorts and motions for me to follow him. He leads me to a huge pile of wood and hands me an axe - that looks like it could fall to pieces at any second- and he instructs me to chop every single block of wood before the end of the day.

At first it doesn't seem like it would be to hard, but after doing it for about three hours straight I was completely dripping with sweat and exausted. I sat down for a minute to take a break and Gally just happened to walk over right then.

"What the hell do you think you're doing! You should be working you slinthead!" He yelled pointing at the wood.

"Holy crap, calm down! I've been sitting for all of one fricking minute okay!" I yelled back, but almost instantly regretting it when Gally's face darkened.

"What did you just say to me?" He asked with anger clearly showing in his voice

"Nothing, I'll just go back to work" I mumbled and grabbed the axe

"Yeah that's what I thought" he said arrogantly, and turned away leaving me to tirelessly chop wood, again. 'What did I ever do to him' I thought for the second time as I swung the axe over my head and brought it back down roughly slicing the block in half.


As I chopped the final block of wood later that day I heard a loud snap and the axe broke in half. 

"oh crap" I said out loud and looked down at the broken tool. 'Gally is gonna be so mad' I thought as I picked up the broken pieces. Setting them all down onto a table I decide to just leave it and see what happens.

I quickly walk away wringing my hands together feeling slightly nervous.

As I walk I find myself going towards the 'forest' that Newt had called the deadheads. The shade from the trees is refreshing after being in the hot sun all day, so I walk further. Soon I look up and see I'm underneath a huge tree and do the only thing one would do in this situation. I climb to the very top.

Once I reach the highest -sturdy- branch I sigh in relief and sit back against another branch for support. The view up here is amazing I can see all of the glade. And the best part is how quiet it is. No one yelling at me and telling me to work again, and it's very peaceful. The spot in the branches is amazing too, a large one beneath me and two beside me that make it easy to lay down and not fall to my death.

After sitting there for a while I start to feel my eyes getting heavy, I guess all the work I did was very tiring. As the sun begins to set my eyes flutter closed and I fall into a much needed sleep.

And that's when it all starts with a simple,


Sorry this is kinda bad, also a little filler I guess. Ahhh anyway enjoy :)

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