Part Three

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"My name is Aris, do you remember yours?"

"God this is weird, well, I don't know if there is even someone listening but I guess I should explain what's happening. I'm Aris and I was sent up yesterday to a different maze than yours. I started to have these dreams last night of a woman named Ava Paige. She was telling me that things were going to change and that once I was in the maze, the only thing I would remember was that I could talk to you.

You were in my dreams too. I don't even know your name but you were there and being told the same thing. I think we have something special about us. Something different. Because obviously, being able to talk to someone telepathically is definitely not normal.

Well, you aren't saying a thing. Gosh what am I doing."

And then it all went quiet. I woke up suddenly, my eyes wide as I tried to comprehend what just happened. 'I was asleep but that was definitely not a dream. That was real. I can talk to this guy named Aris, in my brain?'

About a million different thoughts were running through my head when I heard a voice from below me.

"Hey love? Are you up there!" The voice said, that was immediately recognizable as Newt

"Hey Newt! Yeah I'm coming down now!" I reply and start climbing my way down the branches. "What the hell were you doing up there? I've been looking for you. It's dinner." He said about to turn away but stopped abruptly "love, are you okay?" He asks with a concerned look

I must look pretty confused and startled, "yeah Newt I'm perfectly fine" I say forcing a smile. "Alrighty then let's go" he says and turns on his heel to walk in the direction of the kitchen.


Newt and I sat down at a table after getting our food from Frypan, I try to eat but I'm too distracted by what happened. I look around the glade to try and get my mind off it, that's when my gaze settles on one specific person. Gally. So there I sit staring at Gally and once again thinking, 'what the hell did I ever do to him?'

I guess I'd been staring a little too long because soon Minho was waving his hand over my eyes to snap me out of it.

"What are you thinking about greenie?" He said raising his eyebrows and following my gaze. Once he noticed who I was staring at he lightly chuckled
"Does that shank interest you? Really. Out of anyone here"

"No! No not like that I was just... I- Wondering why he's such a jerk" I said stuttering on my words.
Truth is I was slightly disappointed he was so rude to me. He is kind of attractive. 'God what is wrong with me.'

Soon everyone finished their food and went to do their own things, so I decided to walk back over to that tree. While on my way over I guess I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch it!" I hear the person say. Looking up I realize it to be the one and only Gally.

"Sorry I wasn't looking around" I say quietly and try to quickly walk past him.

"You should really be more aware of your surroundings you know?" He said putting his arm out to stop me from walking by.

"I said I'm sorry okay? I'll be more aware" I reply adding slight sarcasm to the last word. I quickly move past out of his grasp and walk back into the deadheads. As I walk I begin to feel a bit light headed, probably from working all day in the sun and not drinking much water.

I stop and lean my and against a tree and wait to see if the feeling gets worse, I start to loose my balance and my eyes go black, I fall back and hit my head hard on a root.


"Is she okay?" I hear as I slowly regain consciousness, "she'll be alright, just a cut on the back of her head" another voice responds.

"Aright good, I'll let her rest then." The first person says, I open my eyes slightly so I can see who it is. 'Why does he care?' I think as I realize the concerned person was Gally.

I fully open my eyes and see I'm in the med-jack hut laying on a bed. I swing my legs over the edge and try to stand up. I stand for a brief moment before a sharp pain shoots through my head making be stumble back onto the bed.

"Hey! You're up" Gally says sounding surprised and turning around to face me. "How are you feeling? Is your head okay?...."
I hear him continue to ask more questions but it all blurs into nonsense as a high pitched noise rings through my ears.

It suddenly stops leaving me with one thought. "Rose" I whisper, the name unlocking something in my brain.

"Rose! My name I remember it's Rose" I say excitedly looking up to Gally, He stands in front of me with a huge smile.

"Well, Rose, I'm glad you remembered" He says happily. Only a second later though his smile fades and he turns mumbling something to me about getting back to work.

'Huh, That was weird'. I think and sit back onto the bed. Jeff (a med-jack) walks over to the bed I'm on and checks  my head again to make sure I'm okay.

"Take it easy for a day or two and it should heal" Jeff said after examining my cut.

"Okay thank you so much" I reply smiling

"Hey, I'm not the one you should be thanking" he says

"What do you mean?" I say confused

"Gally is the one who found you, he said he was walking over by the deadheads and saw you lying on the ground unconscious. So, he picked you up and brought you here." Jeff explained

I sat there speechless for a moment before nodding my head. 'Huh, why would Gally do that?' I think. 'Is he really that much of a jerk?'


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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