chapter 18

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“Again.” Kellin said. He climbed back on top of me and kissed me deeply before brushing his lips down my jawline.

“Again? We just did it twice in a row.” I reminded him. He had been living here for a little over two weeks now and I swear when we’re home we never leave the bedroom. He pressed kisses along my neck to my collar bone and then sensually licked up my neck to my ear. He nibbled on my ear lightly and kissed just below it.

“Please, just one more.” He pleaded. “Please.” I really couldn’t say no to him when he begs for things, but on the other hand I was really exhausted from already having sex twice in a row. I thought we could do with a break though.

“No, come on, Kells. We can go at it again later. I want a shower and then we can get some dinner.” I said. Kellin whined and rocked himself against me causing friction down below. I held back the moan I wanted to make. If I moaned then he’d know he’s won. I decided to take matter into my own hands and flipped us over. He gasped as his back hit the mattress.

“Oh. I like it when you take charge…” He said and paused for a moment. “…Sometimes though. Only sometimes.” He licked his bottom lip and then bit it seductively. He really likes making resisting him difficult for me.

“Yeah well if I’m in charge then I say that we stop for the night.” I said and pushed myself off of him. I stood up, smiling when I noticed how adorable he looks when he’s pouting.

“Fine. Besides, I have a sex addicts meeting to go to anyway.” He said.

“You still go to those? I thought you finished?” I asked. In the time he’s been living here he only went to one and that was early last week. I swear he told me he was done with them.

“Yeah but this is like a follow-up one so they can make sure we’re on the right track or whatever.” He said casually with a roll of his eyes.

“And are you on the right track?” I asked. He’s been having a lot of sex lately so surely that would count as still being a sex addict, right? I didn’t know much about this. That’s what I get for no taking the addictions class at college.

He chuckled and nodded, “Yeah, I’m doing fine.” He said. I wonder what his definition of fine is. Actually I wonder what the sex addicts definition of fine is and if Kellin’s just making up his own definition and he actually isn’t doing ‘fine’ in the sex addicts department. I wanted to find out.

“So can anyone go to these meetings?” I asked him. He shrugged.

“Yeah, I guess. They’re open to the public so yeah.” He said.

“Oh, would you mind if I tagged along?” I asked. He just shrugged indifferently.

“Doesn’t bother me.” He said and he sat up. “As long as I can tag along with you in the shower.” He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and sighed, gesturing for him to come with me. He grinned and jumped out of the bed and grabbed my hand so he could pull me along to the shower.

Stopping Kellin from doing anything sexual during the shower was easier said than done, but I managed to fend him off long enough so we could shower, get dry, and get dressed. He complained the whole time about how much he want to have sex, but I kept saying no. Besides, we were leaving the house now anyway so we couldn’t do anything.

We got into my car and I started it before pulling out onto the street and heading towards town. I glanced over at Kellin who was looking back at me with lustful eyes. I looked back at the road.

“I said no. Later, okay?” I told him. It’s not like we could do anything now anyway because we were on our way to his meeting.

“But I’m turned on now.” He said. I glanced back at him. He looked so sexy sitting there with his wet, messy hair that he hadn’t bothered to dry or style, and the first few buttons on his shirt were undone. I looked away quickly and tried to ignore the tightening in my pants. God damn it why is he so attractive?

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