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7:27 am
"ow." jotaro spoke, accidentally bumping himself into the wall. it was finally monday now. however, with such excitement and fear throughout the night, the man himself barely caught any z's. lucky enough to at least catch three hours before school. sure won't be enough to make it throughout the day, but that didn't matter. all that mattered now was his priority meeting up with kakyoin. he can finally get his answers from there about that night.

several minutes passed by as he got dressed for school. he then grabbed his half-hat like and rested on top of his head. that i think about it i haven't worn this thing in quite some time. he thought, realizing he had been hatless the whole week he's been sick. he shrugged it off not making too much of a deal of it and started making his way to the kitchen. where he was then quickly greeted with his mother.

with a happy screech coming from the woman rushing to greet her son. "did you sleep well? are you hungry? not feeling sick anymore right?" she rambled resting her palm on his forehead checking her's son's temperature before noticing his black school uniform, "oh that's right! you're going back to school today!" she shouted with glee. "oh, i hope you didn't miss too much classwork, or notes, or quizzes, or homework-" jotaro's mother continued to ramble with worried mix excitement. jotaro then welcomed himself with some pancakes his mom made.

after devouring his breakfast, jotaro went ahead to grab his school bag and made his way out the door. before exiting, his mother came rushing after him giving him a kiss on the cheek. embarrassed by the daily goodbye's- as usual by the daily morning kisses- jotaro rushed out of his house as soon as possible.

with the success of leaving, he made his slow pace walk to school. he didn't live too far but being able to enjoy the morning, quiet breeze to himself was pleasant. with the quiet, he could rest assured that there was nothing to worry about. unfortunately there was one thing he needed to be wary of: the school girls. with his long absence they must be absolute desperate to see him, of how fortunate for them now... i could just yell at them to go away. he thought, but knew very well that would only make the situation worsen. for him that's for sure.

soon enough, he had arrived close to the school building, but a array of school girls were awaiting for him at the front. immediately, he dashed into a pile of bushes hiding his figure. if even one spotted him he's done for. he's lucky that he hadn't come across one on his way here... they must really want to see me. shit. he cussed, no way in hell was he getting pass through there. he'll barely survive- it's fucking suicidal for him even at this point. damn where's kakyoin? he should be arriving to school around this time... jotaro glanced over at a small parking place where kakyoin usually parked his car, but his favorite spot was empty. maybe he got up late? that isn't like him but i can meet up with him later anyway. if i survive that is... he gulped, feeling a string of sweat pour down his face. oh how he was terrified.

he had decided to go back and take a longer route to the back of the school. hiding himself in the shades of the trees. jotaro then found a side opening for him to get inside. perfect. no one's around. he quickly fast-walked his way inside. luckily there were a pair of stairs going up onto the second story, where his first class started. the opportunity was perfect and he bought it. he had already been giving glances and a few stares from the other students. what a wonderful welcome. unfortunately a few fangirls of his spotted him in the halls, but already got into a fight to get towards jotaro. hopefully they stay like that for a little longer. he thought, getting closer to his first classroom.

12:15 pm
twelve-fifteen. lunch time. where is he? queried jotaro. okay, like, sure maybe he hadn't found him within probably for about an hour or two, but the day was almost over. did he catched my fever? did i get him sick? but what about the night before? so many questions flooded the poor seventeen year old's head. his quietly ate his lunch on a bench, located at the top of the roof of the school under a small shade. a secret place where he and kakyoin would exchange delightful conversations, love letters from his 'admirers', unforgettable cherry licks, etc. Surpringly no body body would come up here, especially since they weren't allowed.

some more time passed by with no sight of the redhead. throughout the day jotaro received a few 'welcome back's' from his teachers from his long absence. he almost got in trouble for creating a traffic in the middle of the hallway a few times with girls constantly crowding around him. already tired enough from slept and then gaining a mirgrane from this ridiculous nonsense almost broke him. eventually, the teachers managed to rid the girls threatening them detention. oh how his day couldn't get any worse. oh hey wanted was just to see his friend and talk about that one time sex.

eventually as time went by, one teacher came to him asking about kakyoin's whereabouts which took his notice immediately. even that was enough proof that the redhead wasn't present today. despite how he was excited to see him and flood the boy with questions about the night before, he knew he'll have to try tomorrow instead. already done with the day, a sudden group of girls came towards him.

"um," started one of them, pulling gently on my arm. jotaro turned his attention to the group. "do you happen to know where noriaki is...?" jotaro simply shook his head to her response. the girls looked at each other with hopeless expressions. "oh... well... could you give him this when you see him?" the girl then gave jotaro a small envelope with a small, light pink, heart sticker attached on the back.

"y-yeah." jotaro spoke, already lifting the girls spirits as the dashed off. he couldn't put his finger on it but... he felt uncertain about the sudden request he was given. a girl... confessing to kakyoin? he queried. had his friend secretly have his own admirers like him? even so... he felt uneasy about the situation. should he really give this to kakyoin? by a short glance there was a trash can nearby. no. don't think about throwing it away that's an ass move fucking idiot. he cussed at himself. walking back to his last class avoiding the decision of such a thing. he hated how a part of him wanted to do that... not even kakyoin had done that to him ever right?

6:00 pm
it was already evening and jotaro felt ready to go on for tomorrow. unfortunately, his day was covered with absolute load of homework, and he had to study for three quizzes. dear god he rather fight that damn vampire again then do this... jotaro sighed. he was rethinking about talking to kakyoin. perhaps today was a sign of him not asking? preventing him from embrassemnt of the end of their friendship? more questions flooded his head and before jotaro knew it. he had passed out.

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