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7:22 am
"kakyoin!" the cherry-haired boy jolted from the shout of his sudden name being called. he turned his head to see his mom by his room doorway. "you were faking it?!" she exclaimed, catching kakyoin red-handed with a thermometer hovering under his lamp by his bed. the boy did nothing but slowly form a nervous smile, along with a fake cough. "i don't know why on earth would you fake having a fever this is so unlike you noriaki, but get your butt off your bed and quickly get dressed for school! wait till your father hears about this!" the door slammed right behind her as she stormed of.

sighed with disbelief, he did as his mother had told him to. what the hell is wrong with me? he queried himself as he saw a glance of himself in his own mirror. his mom was correct, he wasn't the type to do such a thing and knew full well it was wrong. however, he acted without thinking. i'm scared. kakyoin shivered, would he remember? does it matter? did he like it-! kakyoin then slapped his face from thinking of such a thing. oh god he was terrified of seeing jotaro. he's going to kill me for sure... i bet he hates me now...

a tear began to pour from his eyes. the red-haired boy began to shiver in fear more, resistanting to cry any further. be strong. he encouraged himself, brushing off the tear. he started getting dressed. not long before he was about to get into his car... i should probably walk my way to school today instead of driving. he suggested to himself, if he doesn't see my car he'll think i'm absent again! oh... perhaps i should've dressed and look different to prevent from being recognized. he thought as he examined his usual outerwear and looks. guess i'll figure that out tomorrow. today, my objective is to avoid jotaro as much as possible. kakyoin addressed his secret mission to himself. taking his first step to it and strolled away to school.

7:52 am
with only just several minutes away from class starting, kakyoin made sure while on his way to school he'll plan for every exact moment to get through the day without getting caught or seen by the one raven-haired men. luckily, either of them didn't share classes together which made everything more easier and manageable. although, with the problem of having to make sure to avoid him as much ss possible was beginning to be considerably easy. this could be more of a breeze than i thought. if things go south just hide in the library. no sweat. kakyoin thought, feeling slightly excited to get through the day flawlessly.

suddenly, kakyoin could hear a loud crowd from the front of the school, and from the distance he saw him. jotaro... he could already feel his face blush just from looking at his tall presence surrounded by screaming, loving highschooler girls. oh how romantic to see their shining armor making his way to them... but jotaro's a dick and just hearing a 'shut up!' from afar was enough proof to confirm it. obviously this would've happen since his long absence. a week felt like years to thoes girls. i'll see if i'm able to get through the side or back. just like that, kakyoin did so and with ease successfully got inside smoothly. he hurried to his class, sat down his assigned seat, and already he was confident in himself. everything would be alright. or so he thought of course...

"u-um noriaki! n-n-noriaki!" a shy girl called out almost tripping herself just to get to kakyoin's desk. kakyoin, stared at her opened eyed, surprised of a beautiful young lady coming towards him. "u-um... here!" she exclaimed as her face was flushing furiously as her hands held a letter.

kakyoin did as he was expected to do and took the letter. "is this for kujo?" he queried the girl expecting a 'yes' or a shy head nodd. however, to his surprise she shook her head slowly and softly spoke a 'it's for you'. "oh, well.. i'll read it soon! i was gone yesterday and need to catch up with my work, but i assure you i'll read and give back a response asap." kakyoin smiled brightly to her which was responded with the girl's face flushing even more. she then walked away to a small group of other girls outside the classroom.

how strange... he queried to himself examining the letter. i wasn't expecting to get a love letter... ever. no matter i'll read it and tell her no. he signed frowning,  sorry chick but my heart is on someone else right now... even if it might be the end. the bell rang.

12:15 pm
lunch time. kakyoin was still in his desk as he pondered. staring at his lunch. he was unsure where to eat. a perfect place would be the library which isn't too bad or staying where he was, but he couldn't help but think about going to the rooftop. the part bout it was too risky and going there is a good chance jotaro would be there. jojo would definitely be there. he thought, slowly eating his lunch to not waste any more time.

what is wrong with me. why am i acting like this. i'm never like this. i should be talking to him about the night than running away from him like a child. kakyoin continued to stare at his food before slowly changing his direction to the window. it was nice outside. a little chilly but still comforting. he started to feel cold.

time flew by and before he knew it, it was art class. "KAKYOIN!" a immediate jolt of fear rushed through him from the loud, shout name called. kakyoin was wildly shocked yet relief by who it was from. it was asuka. "i was so worried! you didn't came to class yesterday, and everyone said you were absent. they also said you were taking care of a sick friend so i had assume you might've gotten caught their sickness!"

kakyoin chuckled and shook his head, "don't worry i'm perfectly fine and healthy. just uh- overslept yesterday that's all haha." he nervously smiled at the end trying to avoid a little eye contact to show no suspiciousness, and focus and continuing his rose paint from last week. let's hope jotaro didn't hear the name shout. "how is school coming along? still good?" he queried to asuka. changing the subject.

"oh, yea! it's amazing! twenty times better than my old school. there were so many crackheads and the teachers were completely awful. eventually, my parents immediately took me out and transferred me here instead. the place is so much cleaner and i feel so much safer here to be honest." she finished leaving kakyoin shocked. he hadn't known her old school was some shit trash like that. how awful.

"i'm so sorry to hear that, but i'm very happy you're enjoying it here." he replied with a smile. the two continued to exchange conversation along with continuing their paintings from last week. the bell finally rang and it was time to go home. with instinct, kakyoin walked to the parking lot where he usually parked his car. he froze shocked to see the disappearance of his beautiful cool car before remembering he had walked to school. he sighed with relief before leaving the lot and walked down back home.

i did it. he thought to himself. he had managed to avoid jotaro for the entire day! just as expected from this morning. his plan was flawless of course. no mistakes! "FUCK OFF!" kakyoin froze. that was jotaro's voice... immediately, kakyoin ran and hid under the shades of a nearby tree, and crouched close to the bushes below right by a street corner. a scream of squealing girls came followed from jotaro's loud exclaim. there just around the corner was jotaro. he was so close. panicked reeled to kakyoin striking his adrenaline he couldn't focused correctly. what should i do? he thought to himself. wishing they would continue walking but right as he thought that they completely stopped.

the group became very loud, obnoxious, and rowdy as the teenage girls trapped jotaro into a circle. oh jeez what a lucky, yet poor soul. kakyoin thought, couldn't imagine the pain jojo was in yet not realizing how lucky he was to have so many girls pleading at his knees. eventually, jotaro seemed to become more pissed than usual when surrounded by the group. he kept saying to let him go that he's got to assist with his mom at home, has too much work from his absence, he's in a hurry, etc. oh jeez, i gotta help him... but- kakyoin didn't know what to do. for the past few days he's been ignoring his best friend- no. he's been running away from his romantic-interest-fling-best friend. if i don't do anything who knows what he'll do! he began, oh jotaro... don't do anything extreme of please. as time flied for bout a minute things got worse quickly. they have him seriously surrounded. only way out? absolute force. violence at this point may be considered. i can't let jotaro lose his reputation if at all maybe even future college or job related application of him punching a girl. shit. it's all or nothing.

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holy shit i'm so sorry dudes. tuesday part 2 coming soon!... hopefully.

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