Untitled Part 8

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the greek flag

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the greek flag

the lands owned by the dynasty

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the lands owned by the dynasty. (in yellow)

lands: (according to modern day)

greece (whole)

bulgaria (whole)

turkey (whole)

serbia (whole)

macedonia (whole)

albania (whole)

bosnia and henzigero (whole)

egypt (whole)

chili (whole)

madagascar (Whole)

sri lanka (whole)

jamaica (whole)

cyprus (whole)

parts of south africa/mozambique

parts of somalia/ethiopia

parts of syria/lebanon/ iraq

parts of china

parts of indonesia

parts of mexico

parts of india


5 most populous cities

istanbul: (same place as modern day turkey) 10 mil

alexandria (same place as modern day egypt) 12.2 mil

Corse (idonesian land) 14.7 mil

athens (Greec capital. same place as today) 15.5 mil

Sui (indian land) 27 mil (most populous city)

army: 470.000 infantry

56.000 calvary

42 cannon batteries


1 pre steam dreadnaught (basically just a huge ship) (140 guns) named the acropolis

12 frigates (60 guns each)

44 privateers (42 guns each)

122 other various small vessels (6-32 guns)

guns = cannons

allies: inca empire (basically a puppet. lives in modern day peru and bolivia)

prussia (there cool)

america (if its around)

important facts: is nearly the only none monarchy making them hated by other european powers. having presidental elections every five years with each candidate gettinga max of four terms. while also a pointing a representative for every colony that also gett elected every 5 years, who have some power.

want a high population so encourage families to have families of four children or more. and those families are congradulated on there service. even getting paid slightly.

have a great economy

are extremely accepting of other cultures. making there haitian and chilean land one of the most booming in the dynasty, thanks to the massive influx of native americans escaping the other europeans. with the greeks constatly funding insurrection

have one of the best navies in the world only second to the british

are leaders in science.

have excellent gender equality

are fair about race

dont mind religions unless they harm the greek people

criminals. no matter the crime. will be slaves for a determind amount of time.


great britain

the french empire

the spanish empire

the holy roman empire

the portugese empire


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