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Play the song!! It's one of my favourites.

The room was clean and tidy. A classic hotel room look with the same muted tones of the place we were in before.

"Welcome to your room! Please adjust the settings to your satisfaction." The same deep voice from the workshop said.

I looked back to see the door had closed automatically. A menu appeared over the wooden door with options of change.

I spared little thought to the subject before choosing the close option. I turned around to see the unchanged room and walked over to what seemed like a closet.

With just a touch, the door slid open to reveal the workshop. With a smile, I stepped in and the options to change my appearance came up to my right.

I jumped in surprise and then laughed at my stupidity. I turned to the screen and started to go through the settings, exploring it.

There was a picture of me, how I actually looked at the moment, outside the game, at one corner. I stared at it and analysed it.

My hair was long, reaching my lower back, my clothes so feminine and cute. I smiled weakly.

I tore my eyes away and started looking at the clothes. The option of masculine clothing glared at me as I was checking out the page.

With a false sense of security and privacy, I selected it and took in the wide variety of conventional masculine clothes.

My constraints were slipping. One by one, I chose shirts, pants and suits. For some reason my chest flattened when the men's clothing was on me, like I was wearing a binder.

I smiled softly as I spun around in glee. I looked pretty good if I do say so myself. I felt really confident.

After a few seconds of playing around, I calmed myself and chose the hair section. I found a familiar hair style in the sea of options.

A longish brunette boy style, something an anime character would have. It looked exactly like one of the wigs from my hidden collection.

I tensed up for a second, scared that someone knew about it. Then I reminded myself that it was a common hairstyle and that this meant nothing.

With slightly shaky hands, I reached out and chose the option. After a deep breath, I chose the mirror option in the side.

I closed my eyes immediately, nearly scared that I would give myself out if I continued. But the desire was heavy on my heart.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the mirror. A pair of shy eyes stared back at me. I would see the skeleton of him in my reflection.

My heart started to pound like it had never before. Though I didn't look like him exactly, I could see a shadow of him in me. I had expected this but I wasn't able to foreshadow my reaction.

Wildly my hands reached the undo button and clicked away till I was staring at myself again. My heart was still pounding against my ribs when I chose out my first look again.

I walked back out to the room and tried to stabilise my breath.

"Y/N! Let's go check out the deck again! Come on!" Lisa's voice called out from behind the room.

"Ye .. ye .. yeah. I'll be right out." I said, struggling to steady my shaky legs.

After a few seconds of preparation, I walked out with my best smile and followed a smiling Lisa to the elevator.

Heya babies!! I hope you enjoyed the song. She is one of the best artists I have ever listened to. I hope you are enjoying the story as well.

Please leave me some comments! They really help! What are your thoughts on this mysterious 'him'?

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Thank you for reading!!

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

On the Yacht | Lisa (BlackPink) X Reader | Lisa Fanfic | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now