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A cute song I found on Spotify!

First day of high school. It was finally here! The new classroom looked so pretty filled with girls like me, rocking their white and black uniforms.

With wide eyes, I inspected the classroom from the first bench. I have to study hard and be a good student.

The bell rang and everyone moved to the seats they chose out. No one wanted to sit in the front seat so I didn't have a partner yet, but that was nothing new.

"Y/N! How were the vacations?" The girl behind me smiled at me and asked.

"They were pretty boring honestly!" I bit my tongue.

"Same! It seemed to go on forever." She rolled her eyes and leaned forward. "Ohh what new books did you read?"

"Ohh .. well ..." I turned back but a voice stopped me.

"Hey! Is this seat taken?" A pretty girl with deep blue hair stood in front of my table.

"... no ..." She was slender and stood tall in front of me. Her smile was unique, confident and playfully.

She bent forward and tilted her head. "Can I sit here with you then?" Her black eyes were shining under the light slipping in through the window.

"... um ... yeah .. yeah. Sure!" I pushed out the words and lowered my eyes.

Her hand brushed against my leg as she sat down right next to me.

"My name is Lisa! Nice to meet you!" She extended her hand. I took it after plastering on a smile.

"Y/N, nice to meet you too!" I replied. Her long hair fell over her shoulder as she turned to face me properly.

She looked like an anime character as she brushed back her coloured hair.

"You might get in trouble for your hair ... Lisa." I told her as I looked ahead, away from her.

"But there wasn't a rule saying we can't colour our hair." She looked confused.

"It's one of the unspoken rules, most teachers don't mind it but there are a few who will pick on you." I could feel my cheeks heat up. She was so beautiful.

"Ahhh. Then it's fine! They won't be the first." She giggled and patted my shoulder. "You look really cute! Like a baby."

My mouth dropped open and my cheeks turned red. "Ohh thank you!" I muttered.

"Can I pinch your cheeks? They look so squishy!" She moved closer.

"Sure." I whispered. Her warm fingers grabbed my cheeks and she smiled as she pinched them.

"Awee!" She seemed delighted making me smile involuntarily. I finally pieced together enough courage to look at her.

She was positively radiant. The world around her faded away. It felt like a scene from a movie or a book, when the main character walked in.

"So Y/N, are you into sports?" Lisa asked me while taking out her pencil case.

I shook my head and stared at my nails. "What about you?" I said in a low voice.

"I was in the volleyball team in my old school! I was hoping to join the one here." She responded.

"Ohh. I know a member of the team, I'll introduced you to her if you want." I smiled.

"Awe! Thank you!" She said in a loud voice.

Another flashback chapter because the Y/N character is thinking about these moments!

I have been dealing with a little bit of a writer's block situation so my upload schedule is be affected. I am sorry!

I know what's going to happen but it's hard to put it to words right now. I'll still publish chapters but it might take a little longer.

I am doing a lot of writing exercises to get over it! So, I hope I can get over it quickly! Thank you so much for your love!

Please do vote and comment if you like the chapters.

Hugs and kisses from Cheonsa.

On the Yacht | Lisa (BlackPink) X Reader | Lisa Fanfic | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now