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Grand.kink = okay guys! We need to kill every single Karen and wipe their existence of this human world.

Iwa-chan replied = yeah but why

Grand.kink replied = So just now my  grandma named KAREN told my bitch ass to bake her some homemade cookies like who the fuck do she think she is? You can't tell me, the most beautiful man living, to bake you some cookies cuz you want some okay? Iwa-chan you're a exception;)

Iwa-chan replied = shut up, just continue

Grand.kink replied = since I don't use effort to bake for someone else other than me, iwa-chan you're a exception I love you (>3•) . I rummage through the kitchen to find the store bought cookie dough that's already made which I think doesn't taste bad cuz my bitch ass eats them at late night 3am snacks~

Grand.kink replied = forget bout fruits! And those typical bitch salads! We're eating cookie dough and no one's stopping me

Iwa-chan replied = ',:\ you sure bout that?

Grand.kink replied = OKAY MAYBE ONE but that's off topic anyways~

Grand.kink replied = I baked and do all that shits and gave her the cookies for her crusty ass. I said "here's your fucking cookies bitch". She tasted it and immediately said "I tOLD yOu hoMEmADE! This is not homemade young man!"

Grand.kink replied = I was kinda pissed so I replied "well madam, if you're not aware, I don't bake for anyone but myself so be thankful I actually baked something up and how the fuck do you know, were all the homemade cookies you gave us were store bought (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ"

Grand.kink replied = She stayed quiet and looked at me pissed and told me to go make another batch. So I took the cookies and went back to the kitchen. Instead of sugar, I used salt. Instead of milk, I used tea. Instead of chocolate chips, I used good old pistachios. Instead of water I used lychee juice which looks similar to her cuz her vision is fucking bad. Bet she thought a cat was dog and gets mad when told the truth. Tch bitch

Grand.kink replied = I guess you know it doesn't taste well so I used food coloring and gave them a lil bit touch ups to make them look pretty like me~ okay maybe not cuz these cookies doesn't look as good as me.

Grand.kink replied = anyways I came back and gave her the cookies. "Here eat this, I made it with effort so appreciate it" I said. She smiled at me and said "finally some homemade cookies" then after taking a bite she spit the cookies back. "whAt dId yOu dO tO mY coOKIEs!"

Grand.kink replied = I said "shut up bitch, at least I made you a batch worth of cookies. And also what do you mean finally some homemade cookies, were you eating store bought this whole time. Now, since you don't seems to appreciate my efforts on my precious good old Satan's failure cookies, YOU CAN STARVE BITCH"

Iwa-chan replied = that's not very good of you oikawa-_-

Grand.kink replied = oh shut up iwa-chan, she went against our relationship SHE'S HOMOPHOBIC AND SHE'S A KAREN(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Iwa-chan replied = okay let's kill her

Grand.kink replied = she can't judge us when the last time she walked is 15 years ago and she's too old to even stay alive IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO DIE and the last person she kissed is her so called girl "bestfriend" when we all know she probably was simping on but to avoid suspicious she married our gay grandpa who's in the same situation

Iwa-chan replied = sadly old man died too young

Grand.kink replied = it's sad that he married a Karen though, could've married Ethan instead

Iwa-chan replied = yeah, Ethan is the best uncle but he died early

Grand.kink replied = hope their ghosts are fucking in front of old hag now.

Iwa-chan replied = I agree

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