It's going to be okay pt 1

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Betty looked at the white stick and thought "oh no what if juggie leaves me, what if my mom sends me to the sisters of quiet mercy again, what if jug hates me," her thoughts keep going till she heard a knock the bathroom door she looked at her phone it read 7:30 am. "Fuck i have school today what am i going to do!"

I woke up without my betty beside me so I got up and I walked to the bathroom door to get my betts and I heard her say "What am I going to do." I knocked on the door and she opened it with the fakest smile i ever saw her in and I have seen her true smile and her fakes. "Betty stop are you okay if you say you are, let me just tell you I know when you are giving me a fake smile and a true smile."

I knew i had a fake smile but i keep going i have to tell him, " juggie i have to tell you something and before you asks the stupid question did i cheat on you that answer will always be no," betty took his hand and pulled him in their bathroom.

Betty pulled me in our bathroom and closed the door i didn't know what was happening so i asked "Betts what's wrong. She didn't answer but picked something up and handed me it then ran out of the bathroom and but this outfit on.

 She didn't answer but picked something up and handed me it then ran out of the bathroom and but this outfit on

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I looked at what she handed me and i went out to find her

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I looked at what she handed me and i went out to find her.

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