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Zim is sitting in his chair in the control room of the massive, he's relaxing as the navigators do their job, and it's quiet except for the clicking of buttons.

He stares at his reflection in the window of the tall irken he had become, he never expected to become as tall as he had, at the time he had thought his place was as an invader not as a tallest, but Dib and his work had helped him reach a potential he didn't know he had, and after reporting to the control brains with his newfound height, he was deemed the new tallest. Much to the chagrin of red and purple. When he came to irk with Dib, he told his fellow irkens that Dib was his pet-slave, as that is only acceptable relationship for an irken to have an inferior alien lifeform, an owner and an object. The control brains found it a bit odd that the new tallest would want a pet or a slave, as it is uncommon for irkens to keep pets and tallest Zim would have plenty of irkens to do his bidding. it seemed pointless to keep a filthy alien slave when you have irkens for that, however it was far from pointless to Zim. Zim saw Dib as very important, he didn't really understand how human relationships worked or even his own feelings about Dib, he just knew he cared a lot for him and wanted him to be happy, he wasn't going to leave Dib on earth, he loved Dib's company and he refused to be without him, on earth they had slowly started becoming friends after Zim fell in a pond and would have died had Dib not saved him...

Zim had been taking Gir for a walk in the park, Gir was a hyper little robot and if you didn't let him out of the base daily, it was almost a guarantee that something would get ruined or broken, and both Zim and the computer were tired of puting out fires. He honestly didn't mind leaving his lab to go to the park sometimes, the trees were probably the only tolerable thing about this planet. As he was lost in his thoughts he didn't notice a bully from skool sneaking up behind him, or rather, he noticed, and doubted a human could do him any harm.... until, they shoved him in the pond. Both Zim and Gir fell into the water, and As the water hit Zim's delicate green skin for a moment he felt nothing, until the burning set in, which had him screeching at the top of his lungs in a way only Zim could. Dib, who was watching him from a nearby bush, without any though, sprinted over and jumped into the dark pond. It took him a moment of feeling around in the water before his hand found the arm of a now unconscious Zim, who had passed out from the agonizing pain, though his bare flesh continued to sizzle under the water. Dib swam upward and his other hand found the edge of the pond as he climbed out of the water, dragging Zim with him. He laid Zim out on the ground he was covered in raw flesh and burn wounds, Gir climbed out a moment later in his dripping wet dog suit, and the bully looked at Dib in shock before running away lest Zim wake up and attack him. Dib put his head on Zim's chest to listen to the organ inside beat, only to realize he has no idea what Zim's normal "heart" rate sounds like, he realized that he was in over his head "what happened to master? Why isn't he movin'?" Gir asked with confusion and concern in his voice. Dib paced back and forth for a moment trying to figure out what to do before remembering Zim has an alien base equipped with things for this kind of situation. He quickly picked Zim's small injured body up and grabbed gir and started running to the base.

That was how it started, later when Zim explained to Dib how he would always be short, Dib felt bad for him, knowing that because Zim was so short he would never get respect from his fellow irkens, Dib empathized with Zim, because neither of them got the respect they deserved. He decided that he would try to help Zim get taller, and was actually surprised that Dib would do something like that for him. They spent many long nights and days in Zim's lab doing tests and coming up with new hypotheses, sometimes Dib would fall asleep at the work table and Zim would watch him sleep, until he got bored and would carry Dib back to his house, climb in his window and put him in bed.

The first night this had happened, Zim had been surprised, him and dib were working on a new theory and he had gone on a little rant and by the time he looked back at Dib he was asleep, Zim's first instinct was to yell at him, after all, how dare he fall asleep while the mighty Zim is talking?! But he paused knowing it would do him no good, besides Dib couldn't exactly help that his pathetic inferior human body needed sleep, and it was the humans sleeping time according to the computer. that's ok, he would get him back later by making fun of how inferior and primitive Dib was. He quietly sat down in the chair next to him and stared at him, his breathing was slow and shallow, and he slept with his mouth open, snoring occasionally. Zim found the human's rest mode interesting, it was different than Gir's, Gir was usually much louder, but there were still similarities. After a few minutes he grew bored of watching Dib sleep and decided he should probably take Dib home, so he put his disguise on and carefully picks him up. Dib was older now, about 18 earth rotations old, he thinks as he lifts him, Dib was significantly bigger than he used to be when they were kids, and Zim struggled a bit. He carries him outside into the dark of the night, his path illuminated by the white glow of street lamps. He arrives at the house and quietly walks over to Dib's window, activating his pak legs and digging the tips into the cracks in the wall and climbing up in an almost effortless fashion, before slowly sliding the window open and climbing inside. He retracted his long mechanical pak legs back into their place inside his pak and set Dib down into his bed, pulling the blankets over him, before climbing out the window and disappearing into the night.

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