Chapter Four - The Case is Open!

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"You must be terribly lonely if you're joining my 'oh-so-plain' self once again," Caroline remarked the next morning when Holmes plopped himself down at the dining table and began helping himself to her breakfast. 

"Lonely?" His head snapped up from the plate of scones he was helping himself to.  "Who said anything about lonely?"

"Mrs. Hudson."

"Well, she's wrong. I'm not lonely."

"And yet, here you are."

"I'm assisting you with your case."

"A case I thought you wanted no part in."

"Well, perhaps I'm changing my mind... It is now two days until the rendezvous."

"Yes, I can count." It was awfully strange - why would her father request meeting her at a hotel in London, why not just come home to the manor? There was definitely something off about this. Caroline was thankful that John would be coming along and assisting her. 

"You're nervous." Holmes's voice broke her out of her thoughts and made her jump slightly.


"You so want it to be him, your father, and yet, you know that that's not possible. You are both intrigued and uncertain. Nervous."

She picked up her teacup and swirled the tea around inside it. "Very observant."

He flashed a grin.  "So I'm told."


Mary and John invited Caroline for dinner that evening. John had been busy all day tending to patients, wanting to see them all before delving too deep into the new investigation. 

A few minutes after settling down to eat, a  knock sounded at the door  - a frantic knocking.

John and Mary exchanged a glance.  "Were we expecting anyone?"

"Not that I know of."

"Hmm." John went to answer the door.

"Finally! Took you long enough! What, were you napping?" A figure flew past him and into the house - Holmes. 

"Holmes, what an unexpected surprise."

"Yes, yes. Good evening, Mary. Gladstone, old boy, how are we?" The dog let out a whimper and scurried away. 

"To what do we owe this unexpected arrival?" John asked, clearly not pleased about the interruption to their dinner. "We are entertaining a guest, if you hadn't noticed."

"Oh, no, I did.  Miss Westin." He gave her a brief nod in greeting.

"Mr. Holmes, I hardly recognized you." He had cleaned up rather well - he was shaven, his hair brushed, dressed in a clean shirt and nice coat.  He actually appeared like a gentleman. 

Holmes sat down in the empty seat at the table.  "So, what is the plan?"

"The plan?" John asked him.

"Yes, about the rendezvous stated in the letter."

"You're becoming very involved for a man who explicitly said he wasn't interested in helping," Caroline remarked, sipping her wine. 

"Well, as I told you, I was beginning to change my mind. And I've changed it. I'm opening the case!" He smacked the table for emphasis. 

"The case is already open, Holmes," said John. "Open and underway."

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