Chapter Eleven - Distractions, Distractions

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The pub was rowdy and a place she normally would never set foot in, or near, for that matter.

Holmes waltzed his way through and she didn't need his powers of deduction to understand that he was a frequent visitor of this place.

"Ah, perfect." He led them to an empty table. "Perfect view. Have a seat." He even pulled out Caroline's chair for her. Well, he was certainly in a good mood. 

"Thank you." She almost had to shout over the noise. "And perfect view of what?"

The pub was packed full. She figured that it was most often like this. 

"A round of beer?" Holmes asked.

She shrugged contently.  "Sounds good to me."

"You did say you were feeling adventurous!"

"Yes I did." 

John just rolled his eyes as Holmes left to get their drinks.  "I hope you're not feeling too uncomfortable," he called over the noise, always the gentleman.

"Honestly, no!" She grinned.  "This is the perfect distraction."

She still couldn't believe the secret of her father's Holmes had unearthed.

Speaking of Holmes, he was already back at their table with their drinks, not leaving her with much time to ponder the unearthed secrets. She was after a distraction, after all. 

"Oh, thank you." She took a sip of the drink, pursing her lips at the strong taste but deciding that she liked it.  "Cheers, gentlemen." She and John touched glasses. "And you as well - oh!" she exclaimed. Holmes was suddenly shirtless, standing beside her, downing his beer. "What are you doing?"

"It's that time!"

"What time?"

"Time to place your bets!" He smacked the table with purpose and tossed his shirt onto it. 

"No, I'm not gambling," John said.

"You don't have to bet money, just take a guess."

John smirked.  "Fine. Who's the opponent?"

"That fellow." Holmes pointed to another shirtless man already standing in the ring. 

"Very well, I'll take the other guy, just for fun."

"You've already lost, Watson."

"We'll see."

"And you, Miss Westin?" The giddy Holmes turned to her.

"What are we betting on exactly?"

"Who will win the fight."


"A boxing match," John explained.

"Ah, I see. Well if John's taking the other party, then I guess I'll choose you."

"Good choice. The better one, I think you'll find." He winked. John rolled his eyes again. Then Holmes started clapping along to the song the others were belting out the lyrics to and stamping along to, and entered the ring. John just shook his head at it all.

Holmes's opponent was a good foot taller than him and much more broad in stature. Though now that she saw him bare-chested, she saw that Holmes was fairly muscular himself.  He kept a strong figure hidden beneath the shirts, waistcoats and jackets. 

"Does he do this often?" she asked John who nodded.

"More often than I would like to know."

"Well everyone seems to be enjoying it - and he's clearly loving the attention."

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