The return of the cullens

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Lilly POV
Jake told me "You are not going to school today, you are getting a truck because the pack does not have the time to fix the motorcycles to has killed." I start laughing at how he no longer asked how I got them up their. On are way to the junk yard I feel strange like I got a new ability. Went we get out of the truck Jake looks stressed which looks funny. Then suddenly I smell the problem vampires I know from the smell that they did not drink humans blood so I knew I was fine. So I asked Jake the problem, he said a name I had not heard in years. The Cullens the vampires that took jake's best friend, and Charlie's daughter from him. I would never forgive them for what they did to my family. Jake tells me "look around for a truck long I go talk to the manager." So I go up and down the aisles staying with in eye sight of Jake. When I am stopped by a strong cold arm pulling me in a pile of car parts I try to scream but a hand is over my mouth. I try to bit the hand that is over my mouth but is is hard my jaw is being held closed. Suddenly I am put in trunk of a car. I do not know what to do because I do not want to hurt anyone. Then the car comes to a stop a arm grabs my arm I am being dragged up stairs in to a beautiful house that I have never seen before. When we get in the house I see six vampires starting at me, the girls start yelling at the man that is holding my arms. I learned his name is Edward and the girl that had my mouth covered name is Bella. Then Edward lets my arms go, then a women named Esme asked me if I was hurt.  Then I told her I was a little hungry, so I asked if I could go home. Then they all looked around at each other, I was now a little scared. Then the man by the name of Jasper spoke " I am sorry, but you can not go home, this may be hard for you to understand but some one changed to to a vampire." I looked around and started to laugh, then I looked at them and said "I am sorry to tell you but you are very confused, I am only a part vampire, I will not hurt any one, now can I go home because my family is very worried if I am out of their sight." Then a girl who looked to be only fifteen stepped forward, her name was Alice , and looked sad, and said "you are a danger to the people of this town we can not let you be alone." Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Alice went to the door and opened it in stepped Charlie, Sam, and Jake. I ran up to Jake so happy to see him, I never wanted to be away from my family. Charlie stepped forward along with Sam they did not look happy. Then Charlie said," I see you guys are back just as I was going to retire, but may I ask why you guys tried to kidnap jake's girlfriend, she was just looking for a truck at the town's request?" then Carlile walked up and said "she smells like a rouge vampire." Then Sam steps forward and said "may be you should come to the bouncy and ask if we have had a problem with rouge vampires, and the reason is she drinks a mix of bloods and food." I found it hard to believe that someone would think I could hurt the town, I was one of the protection of the town even if I still can not figure out the whole transformation, that is why the motorcycles keep getting stuck in the trees.

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