Chapter nine

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Jacob POV
I wanted to surprise Lilly so I joined her school she is going to, I did not want her to attend school being alone, because she never went to a normal school Sam thought it would be safer if she went to school with the pack there in case there was a problem. Suddenly I see the Cullens boys pulling up I run over to them at a speed that may be a little faster than humans could go. I stop went I don't see any of the girls, so I as Emmett because he looks to be the one that was happy to see me. So I ask Emmett "how did it go last night? Why is Lilly not in a car with you? Does she need something to eat I can get food for her? Is she hurt?" Jasper looks at me and starts to laugh as did Emmett long, Edward walked into the school. Jasper then spoke "she did fine we are all going to the mall to carry bags for the girls you are coming to after school they invited some friends to come to. Lilly was still asleep went we left the girls are taking the jeep here, they will be here soon. Esme made pancakes for breakfast. She is happy to be able to stay up all night watching movies and playing games." then I see Rosalie driving the jeep with Lilly next to her, I ran up the jeep as it came to a stop it was not even turned off went I was swinging Lilly around the parking lot. Everyone started to laugh at us, I set Lilly down and walked in the building while holding her hand, I knew when we walk in the building her Lilly will change forever. We walk into the office to get our schedule I look at Lilly's schedule and see we have every class together except for gym which I know Rosalie has that class with Lilly. We walk in history class I see in the back there is an empty desk, we go sit down and we see that everyone is staring at us, so I kiss Lilly just to see the class react. After that class we had algebra, then English, now it is time for lunch so I tell Lilly to go sit with the Cullens long I get our food. Long-standing I line girls start flirting with me, I do not know what to do because I know Lilly can hear them, suddenly Emmett comes up to help me scare the girls away, I thank Emmett for the help as we walk to the table we sit down, I give Lilly her food along with one of my sandwich. Everyone looks at us and then starts giving us their food, Emmett makes a joke about werewolves eating habits and how Lilly could out eat the pack, which I know is true. After lunch we all go to chemistry, then art class, then Lilly goes to the gym with Rosalie. After school we all get in are vehicle this time Lilly and Emmett in my truck I got for Lilly, we all are ongoing to the mall the Cullens in for a surprise went they see who Lilly's aunt is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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