Chapter 1

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Heya~ so this is my first story, and I'd really appreciate it if you could give some pointers (nicely please) on how to make this story better. Anyways, hope you enjoy.

3rd person POV:

In the anti-void, Error sat alone on the non-existent floor, finishing up the puppet of the Sans who he had just killed and hung it up in his strings with the others. He sat there for a while, ignoring the voices with practiced ease that nobody should have, and after a moment of resting his tired body for once, he winced as another crack on his soul formed from Inky's creation. He got up, bones creaking with the effort, and entered the portal he just made to the new AU he had to destroy.

"OkAy, ThErE iS sOmEtHiNg sErIoUsLy wRoNg wItH tHiS Au... WhAt ArE yOu PlAnNiNg InKy..." Error thought to himself while taking cautious steps into the blank world. It looked almost exactly like the anti-void except for the fact that no strings were hanging in suspension below the non-existent ceiling. Suddenly, he sensed many nearby souls gathering magical energy, and on pure instinct, he moved to the right just in time to miss one of Inks' attacks and a few blasters.

"Your reign of destruction ends today Error! I won't allow you to destroy anymore AUs!" As Ink continued on his little 'heroic' speech, Error had a look at all the Sanses who were present. Sadly, he spotted a teared-up Blue, being held back by his brother, Carrot, and gave him a slight smile, hoping that he understood he was sorry.

"What are you smiling at Error? Are you planning something? 'cuz if you are then-"

"TcH. hAsN'T aNyOnE eVeR tAuGhT yOu mANnErS bEfOrE InKy? BeSiDeS, yOu sHoUlD StOp WaStInG yOuR bReAtH, yOu'Re GoNnA nEeD iT FoR oUr BaTtLe If OuR pReViOuS mEeTiNg sAiD anYtHiNg." Error stated as he readied his strings. Not even a second later and he dodged a ring of blasters - from 10 different Sanses by the look of it - by teleporting away. He kept dodging bones and special attacks, some even came from underground, as there were a few Undynes. Everything seemed to be going smoothly - as smooth as something can be for a destroyer anyway - until he lost track of Ink, which he's about to learn was a very big mistake.


Error let out a soul-shattering yell as he was hit in the back - coated in red paint - by Ink's paintbrush. The pain was unbearable. All he was able to do was try getting it off without getting hit but that was getting harder as more and more monsters began to take advantage of his pain. Eventually, Error started to cry, screaming out apologies and for mercy. Of course, the skeletons didn't think he deserved mercy and just continued in their brutal beating. However, more than one skeleton had paused in their onslaught when Error started laughing insanely.

"HaHahAhAhAHahAhaHahA!!! iF YoU wAnT mE gOnE sO bAdLy THeN fInE! jUsT dOn'T bLaMe Me wHeN tHe MuLtIvErSe StArTs To CoLlApSe!" And with that said, he mustered the energy to make a portal underneath him to Outertale, where he fell on the ground, breaking his already brittle bones.

"ThIs Is It! I cAn FiNaLly tRy dYiNg FoR tHe LaSt TiMe. If I dOn'T SuCcEeD ThEn ThE wOrSt ThAt WoUlD hApPeN iS i'Ll EnD Up BeInG sCaTtErEd AcRoSs TiMe AnD sPaCe. It sHoUlDn't Be ToO bAd, AfTeR aLl, I'Ve HaD WoRsE dOnE tO mE bEfOrE." Error proceeded to then take off his torn and stitched jacket and put it under a nearby rock to keep it on the ground before getting up and walking to the edge. He won't be needing it for where he's going after all.

"ERROR! I won't let you destroy the original Outertale!" Ink said as he readied his paintbrush.

"YoU wOn't HaVe To InKy. 'CuZ i'm LeAvInG, HoPeFuLlY fOrEvEr ThIs TiMe." He looked up at the stars one last time - god he was going to miss the stars if anything - before stepping off the cliff into the bottomless abyss below. After what seemed to be a few seconds - but it easily could've been longer, his sense of time went wacky considering the amount of time he spent anti-void - he felt himself glitching, being torn apart and put back together, over and over again.

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