Chapter 11

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Nobody said anything for a while, trying to figure out a way to get back to the others without possibly worsening the situation. Suddenly, Nightmare thought of something they really should have thought of much, much earlier.

"Uh, hey guys?"

"What's up Octomare?"

"Why don't we just- wait... HEY!" While Nightmare was busy getting over the new nickname - that he was sure everyone else will want to call him now - Misprint started laughing his head off like there was no tomorrow, while Dream was just wondering how long his brother would get called that before being able to live it down.

"I get that I'm a litteral octopus now, but you don't need to call me that!" He said, while crossing his arms in an annoyed manner. "Anyway, as I was saying, why can't we just swim over the seaweed to find our way back? This way, we won't have to worry as much about getting tangled up in the seaweed."

They both stared at Nightmare for a while, making him a tad bit uncomfortable, then looked at each other.

"Well, I feel stupid now." Misprint stated, looking back at Nightmare proved that he thought the same.

"So what are we waiting for? ¡Vamonos! Let's go!" Dream pointed to the sky, or in this case upwards, and started swimming in that direction, before being pulled back by a hand.

"¿Todavía recuerdas cómo hablar español?" Misprint now looked incredibly confused since he didn't know that the twins could speak Spanish, but he also had a limited understanding of the language, and that's only because of how many times he watched Undernovela through his one way portals. Point is, he didn't really understand much of what was being said.

"¡Por supuesto que sí Nighty! ¿Por qué piensa de otra manera?"

"Quiero decir ... Ha pasado más de un siglo o tres ... ¿Por qué no iba a pensar eso?" Before Dream got to answer, Misprint told both of them to continue this converstion elsewhere, since he really wanted to see everyone else, both in his old and new friend group. He swam upwards, going over the seaweed, as Nightmare had suggested, and realized how close they were to the danger zone he saved Paint on the first day here. Diving back into the seaweed, he pulled the twins in the oposite direction, not wanting the humans to take his friends away.

"Hey Misprint? Why are you so frantic? There's nothing here!" Dream exclaimed, trying to catch up to him so his arm doesn't get pulled off. This situation seemed familiar. Luckily, Nightmare realized Dreams struggles, and wrapped a tentacle around a nearby seaweed, which was apparantly strong enough to stop them from going any further.

"Yeah, seriously. You seem panicked. What's wrong?"

"I had to save Paint from that area don't want it to happen to you, please not you too Ican'tlooseanybodyelsedon'tgotherepleasedon'tleave-" Before he got a full blown panic attack, Nightmare pulled him into a hug, his tentacles wrapping around his middle. Misprint hugged back, now shaking and crying into Nightmare's shoulder. Dream decided that Misprint would probably be even more panicky if he tried to help so he decided that it would be best for him to leave, or maybe find the way back to the clearing while Nightmare calms him down some more. With that thought, he swam upwards, only to have a blinding light flash at him, and when he looked to the side, he saw someone in simming gear with what looked like a water-proof camera. Eyesockets widening, he swam as fast as he could back down, hoping that the diver wouldn't be able to follow him.

"Brother! We have a problem!" Dream said in a hushed voice, trying his best not to attract the persons' attention.

"Dream? What's wrong? Why are you-"

"Shhhhh! Camouflage and hide! Take Misprint with you, there's a diver and I think they took a picture of me and it wasn't pleasant. Now go and hide! I'll be doing the same." His brother nodded in understanding and made a huge ink cloud while covering his friends' mouth and nose hole (?) with a tentacle so he didn't have to breath it in. Then he shot down, and Dream decided that he should go before the inky cover-up vanishes.

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