Dreams of the Past

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You slowly opened your eyes to the world around you, in this case, a cave. You stretched, noticing the dragon you live with was gone.'She probably went to get something for breakfast', you thought as you began to go back to sleep. As you were drifting back to sleep, you noticed that the cave was uncomfortably warm,along with the smell of smoke and the bright light illuminating the your home.

'Something isn't right', you thought as you groggily walked to the entrance of the cave.

Upon approaching the entrance, you gasped as you saw what the source of the problem was coming from. The forest in which your home was located in was set ablaze in a flurry of red and orange flames.You backed away from the flames in a panic. What happened to your mother, and what would become of your home?

In a last resort, you decided to leave the cave to hopefully get help from the dragon you knew as Igneel.Upon exiting the cave, you were surprised to find your self under a net.' What's happening!?', you thought to yourself.

Soon you noticed the flames dissaper in the blink of an eye. The heat that was blowing into your cave also diminished.

'Was this all trap?, you thought as three unknown figures approached you.

You looked on to see three men appear from behind the cave. All three had menacing expressions and auras,despite the clear age difference between them. It made you uncomfortable. The middle aged man, possibly in his late 20's, sqautted down to your level. He turned back to the oldest man, possibly in his early 70's, to ask a question.

"Hey gramps, how much do you think she's worth?"

The old man shrugged. "I don't know, mabye a couple thousand jewels, possibly more."

The youngest man, most likely 18 years, chimmed in on the judgment.

"She got to be worth more than that. Just look at her features".

The other two men looked over you, studying your so called features.

"The little brat's right. I might just buy her myself...", said the middle man. To prove his point, he got closer to your face, almost to the point where you could feel his breath on you. Luckily,the eldest man came to your aid."

"She isn't for you to use as a sex slave, Corbin. She's for the black market customers to use.", he said with a stern tone.

The middle aged man, identified as Corbin, rolled his eyes out of agitation.

You gasped as you heard the words "black market " escaped the elder's mouth. You had heard of the black market from your mother.

' Why would they want me.,.. and what's going to happen to me?', you thought as the three men bickered over stupid topics.

"Alright! Enough messing around! Joseph, put her in the truck with the other one", shouted Corbin.

'Another one?', you tried to remember seeing another child in the forest, but failed to remember such things. You were put inside a loading truck, and the door was closed. You looked out the window, the only source of light you had.

'Please stay safe. I will come back for you...one day', you said mentally as you looked out a you peaceful home one last time before pulling off to you next destination.

You sat back down and silently began to cry. You scotted over to a stack of pillows and laid your head on one of them. '.....this one is warm...', you thought as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys! So how did you like the story so far? Feel free to leave your comments and suggestion for me to read. And if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them for you! I'll try and update as soon as possible, mabye a new chapter every week. Well, I'll see you in the next chapter.
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