Chapter 6

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"This party is beautiful." I tell Christian as we are standing beside each other in the ballroom while the recently wed couple are dancing in front of us and behind the dancer is Bash and Francis.

They both are watching different things. Francis is watching Mary while Sebastian is trying his hard to not look my way but he is not doing very good.

"And ours would look beautiful too. Being Queen in my castle, you could get anything you want wether is for the wedding or for your own needs." Christian says speaking back to me before I nod.

"Thank you." I simply say not knowing what to respond as I shortly make eye contact with Bash.

"If you excuse me, I am going to grab a drink." Christian says after a couple seconds of silence before he leaves.

I make the best of my time and walk towards Francis and Bash since Christian has taken most of my time.

"How long is Christian staying for?" Bash asks me as I finally reach them.

"I am not sure, I hope not a lot." I say responding to his question knowing Bash wants him to leave as soon as possible.

"Tomorrow Bash and I are going riding, you should join us." Francis adds into the conversation knowing that Bash can not know what is suppose to happen between Christian and I.

"I will try my best to make it."

"You're little boyfriend is coming this way." Sebastian whispers loud enough for us to hear.

"A bit jealous?" Francis asks him before Bash rolls his eyes and I smile at him.

"Nothing to worry. He would not be the one coming to my chambers." I whisper since Francis already knows about us but I can not let others know.

Francis did not approve or still does not approve because it puts my life in danger since I am engaged to Christian because of the alliance. Also he is trying his best to not tell Sebastian since it is for the best.

"King Christian this is Sebastian and Prince Francis." I say after Christian arrives a couple seconds after I said what I said to Bash.

"It is a pleasure to meet you both. Aurora has said good things about both of you and how close you all are. I hope when Aurora moves, the friendship will stay the same." Christian mentions before Francis nods and Bash looks at me weird.

"My sister love for Aurora will never die." Francis says adding into the conversation to please Christian.

"When Aurora moves?" Sebastian asks making eye contact with me.

"You haven't heard? In a couple of months you will be bowing down to Aurora Queen of Norway." Christian says as I stare at Bash and see him trying hard to keep a smile but I know he is hurting inside.

I did not intend to hurt him. I intend to marry him but I have to deal with Christian and Katherine first.

"As much as I would like to continue this conversation, I should get some air before I faint from too much heat." Sebastian says excusing himself before walking out of the ballroom.

"Is he alright?" Christian asks Francis before he nods trying to make it assume normal.

"Bash gets heated a bit too easily. That is why he is always riding." I explain to Christian not wanting Francis to lie for me or him.


"Yes. He is the Bastard son of King Henry and his Mistress therefore he is a Bastard and people call him Bash. However, his real name is Sebastian and he prefers to be called that." I continue to explain to him.

"But for now, please excuse me. Francis will tell your about French Court as I need to fix my corset because it is a bit too tight." I comment once more before making my way out of the ball room.

Sebastian likes to be at the garden that is near to the pound at night. He likes the reflection of the light which I think it is cute.

"Sebastian." I speak as I see him looking at the water.

"Why didn't you tell me you are engaged to another man?" Sebastian asks me with not anger but sadness in his voice.

"I didn't think it was needed. Katherine set it up before I knew about it and by the time I knew it was too late to call it off."

"Am I just not good enough? I thought you were going to leave all that for me because you love me."

"You are good enough. You are what I want. I can not call this wedding off myself because I could be beheaded but I am going to make him call it off. I am going to make him realize that I am not the one the cares for."

"How long will that take? How long will we have to keep our relationship hidden?"

"Just give me a couple of weeks. I will be having to spend more time with Christian but just know that I am going to be thinking of you at all times. Therefore, we need to be more secretive. Just for a while longer but remember you are the man I love."

"We should call off our engagement and relationship. For safety and get back together when you're done with Christian."

"Does that mean you would not be coming to my chambers tonight?"

"It is for the best." Bash says as he puts his right hand in my left cheek.

"I love you, Sebastian." I say before leaning in to kiss him.

"I love you too, Aurora." Sebastian says as he also leans in to kiss me.

"I love you too,." I hear someone else say before my lips connect with Bash's.

I quickly pull away to see Nostradamus staring at us.

"Bash, King Henry is looking for you. You must go now." He says speaking as to why he is here.

Sebastian quickly leaves leaving Nostradamus and I alone.

"Now that he is gone. I must talk to you, Aurora. You must call off your wedding or it would be the death of you."

"The death of me?" I ask him confuse before he nods.

I am engaged to two people which wedding does he mean? Actually never mind, Sebastian just ended our engagement so he must mean Christian. It has to be Christian before Bash would never want to hurt me.

"And so would Sebastian."

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