Chapter 9

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"Alright Kenna, it is your turn. Not your first but your best kisser." Mary says asking Kenna.

As I am following the Queen's order, I have gotten close to Mary and her friends. It has helped a lot to try and forget Bash. I feel bad for having to spy on her but I think I prefer to live. However, they are all so nice. 

Also currently I am with Mary and her ladies sitting in a picnic by the castle's lake.

Kenna immediately thought of who the best kisser was because of her smile. She looks so happy and I envy that.

".. It was a man, not a boy." Kenna says still smiling to herself.

"Who you must tell us," Mary says wanting to know so bad who it is.

"All I'll say is that there's no point in waiting for boys our own age who have no idea what they're doing. Either find a man or take care of your needs yourself." Kenna says responding to Mary before they all chuckle.

Kenna is not wrong in the slightest. Man do not be playing with your heart as Bash has done with me.

"Aurora, I do want to know something. Who is the best kisser you have kissed from French Court?" Mary asks me being intrigued about the man in Court.

"Mhmm, well I have only kissed two people. Therefore, I must say Sebastian" I say not knowing if I should even be mentioning it.

"You mean Sebastian as Bash? The King's bastard?" Kenna asks surprised before I nod.

"I heard he has quite the reputation," Lola comments as I continue to nod.

"However, he has a kind heart." I say correcting her as they all look at me.

"So did you lose your virtue to him?" Greer asks me before I shake my head.

"Our relationship was more romantic and emotional. No sexual acts were involved in fear of my reputation as I am future Queen." 

"You were together and broke up?" Mary asks me before I nod, she can look innocent but I can see that she is interested in him.

"We did. Now Greer it is your turn, first and best kiss?" I say trying to get the topic of Bash out of the way before I start crying.

"My first kiss.. is in the very near future. I am not like you. My family is not titled, I can't afford even little mistakes. B-But I think I have found the man. He is tall, dark, and noble. Tomas, the son of the king of Portugal. He is here negotiating some kind of trade deal, but he is taking his time about it, and I think it is to stay with me." Greer says at first being shy but growing confident talking about the guy she has laid eyes on.

"Greer, it is dangerous to get involved with a prince. You know they marry for alliances. Your family are commoners."Aylee comments trying to save Greer from a heartbreak.

"Tomas is a king's bastard, like Bash. He is favored too, but with money and land... I am not a fool. I know a true royal would never look at me except to ruin me. I can take care of myself." Greer says sticking up for herself.

"Just be careful if he has a reputation," I mention before she nods.

"Most royals even Bastard can be with you for a laugh or fun." I say adding to my statement.

From a distance a see a maid walking rapidly toward us.

"Your majesty, your uncle, Claude de Guise, is here and wishes to see you at once. Aurora, Christian is looking for you in the castle." The maid says after she arrives to warn Mary.

Mary and I quickly get up to see what is going on.

"I know this is private but you were not interested in going to Paris with Christian to stay with Bash? For an affair?" Mary asks me quietly as we are both walking toward the castle alone.

I know I should not be confiding in her. However, I must get into her good side and if that is telling her something that she could destroy me then it has to be done.

"The first day Christian arrived, Bash found out about the engagement and decided to call off our relationship. When Christian decided to visit Paris, I wanted to stay behind and talk with Bash about us. However, I think he has played me like the other girls." I tell her to be completely honest.

"Also, I know Francis fancy you and he is like a brother to me. If you hurt him, I will be coming after you. Queen or no queen. Nobody should hurt Francis." I say adding into the conversation.

"Understood. I will only hurt him if it means saving my country." Mary says as we enter the castle.

"You should go talk to him," Mary says as we both see Bash down the corridor.

"He has been ignoring me for weeks now. He would not even make eye contact." I explain to her on what term Bash and I are on.

"Do you love him?" 

"I do." 

"Go talk to him then. Fight for him." 

"Fight for whom." I hear another voice say beside me.

"Christian," I say as I look beside me and stare back in front to see Bash gone.

"Mary, if you may excuse us," Christian says to her before she nods and walks away.

"I heard you were looking for me," I tell Christian as we are alone in a corridor after putting his hand around my waist.

Christian has been respecting my privacy with what I do not feel comfortable with. Since Bash and I broke up weeks ago, I decided Francis was right. I gave Christian a chance since Bash does not even want to look at me.  

"I wanted to see if you would like to spend the weekend in Italy? We could go and see your parents if you would like." Christian asks me before I smile at him.

Christian has always been so nice and he is trying in this engagement which I adore because most royals would not try. 

"I would love that," I say before he leans in to kiss my lips.

"I would go tell the servants to pack your best dresses and jewelry," Christian says after he pulls away from the kiss.

"I should go check up on Mary and then I will come to find you," I explain to him before he nods.

"Do not take too long so we can leave before sundown."

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