Chapter 10

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"It was kind so of him." My hometown friend, Bella, says after I told her what Christian did for Mary.

After I found out she was in need of an army and France would not help, I asked Christian if Norway could help in any way. He finished sending weapons and an army. 

"It was." I say not really sure what to respond.

"I hope he is on his way. I am very excited to meet a King." Bella says excited before I nod.

However, knowing Bella since birth I know she is more excited to throw herself at him than to be happy for me.

"Lady Aurora, this just arrived for you." One of my servants, Diego, says before handing me a letter.

"Who is it from?" Bella asks me as I am handed the letter.

"Francis." I say after I notice his seal.

"You are engage3d to the king of Norway and have the crown prince of France wrapped around your finger." Bella comments as I try my hardest not to roll my eyes.

"Francis and I are just close friends." 

"Bella, I must need to borrow one of your hourses immidietly." I tell her after I read the letter send from Francis.

"Is everything alright?"

"There is an emergency. I must go back immidietly." I tell her as I stand up and drop the letter to the floor.

"Horses are around back. Please be safe." Bella says before I run towards the back of the house.

Thank god Bash tought me how to ride. If not, I might even make it back to France on time. i need to get back before Bash passes away. He can not die without me by his side knowing I loved him into the very end. 

I must go be with the man I love.


"Aurora." Mary says as she sees me running through the corridor.

"Where is Bash?" I ask Mary in a hurry.

"In the nursery. Howevver, be cautious. You do not want ruomours ruining around before you are crowned Queen." Mary says before I nod and leave her to go see Bash.

I walk towards the room where Mary mentioned that Bash would be located at. I must say I am dissapointed that they needed to send Bash to warn the others because it has caused him to be stabbed.

"Bash." I say after I see him barely alive as Lola is reading him a book.

"Aurora, I thought you were in Italy with Chrisitian." Lola speaks as she notices I have walked into the room.

"I came as soon as I heard." I say before she stands up and looks at me.

"I will leave you to it." Lola says as she hands me the book and then  leaves.

With the book in my hand, I go and sit where Lola was efore and I start reading to him. I really hope Bash gets better because I do not know what world I could live without him in it.

"I heard you arrived." I heard Francis say from behind me as it has been hours of me reading different books to Bash.

"Thank you for the letter." I say as I stand up to face him.

"I heard you rode all day and night to get here."

"I was afraid I would not make it in time."

"Sebastian should be alright. Nostradamous said his fever is gone and all he need is to rest." Francis says explaining Bash's co0ndition, thank god he is stable now.

"You should get some rest.Do not forget about the party tomorrow evening." Francis adds into the conversation before I nod.

"I should stay by his side. He should not wake up alone in a room." I tell Francis.

"I will send servants to bring you a bed if you would like to rest by Bash's side."


"Aurora, sweetie what are you doing here by yourself." I hear a female voice say as they softly try to wake me up.

"I am sorry your majesty. I must have fallen asleep." I say before I look beside me to see Bash's bed empty.

Oh no. This is not good.

"Is B-Bash-?" I ask Katherine with a shaky voice.

"He is alive. He is currently outside the South East walls with one of Mary's ladies." 

"Also Christian arrvied and saw you sleeping beside Bash's bed. Do not ruin this for all of us. Not for Bash, he is not work it." Katherine says adding to our conversation.

"Bash and I are just friends." I say not lying since we technically broke up.

"Do not lie to me. I was in love once, I know not only what it looks like but what it makes you do."

"I should go and give my fiance some company at the party." I say before leaving Katherine in the room.

I make my way to the South East part of the castle to see Bash and Lola speaking.. maybe even flirting. I should have not come back. Sebastian's heart does not belong to me anymore. And if it did then why should I give him another change to break my heart when Christian could treat me better?

"I heard I could find you here."

"Christian, I am glad you received my message." I tell him as I turn around to face him.

"I am sorry for leaving you behind. I needed to get there as fast as I could." I say explaining to him as to why I left him. 

"To be with your lover's almost deathbed."

"B-Bash is not my lover. We broke up months ago and do not even speak to each other." I say defending myself.

"And you still love him."

"I do not love him."

"It was not a question but a statement. I see the way you looke at him and how you stayed by his side no matter how tired you where. You must end whatever feelings you have left for him."

"Rumors would not rise and that is a promise."

"I will be heading back to Norway tomorrow morning. You must stay here into all contracts are completed and then you will travel to Norway immidietly for your royal duties."

"Yes, Christian."

"King Christian." He says correcting me.

"Please pardon me, King Christian." I say befoe he leaves me alone in the corridor.

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