Who's the Victim?

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[Reader's POV]


"..?" I pressed the enter bar again.

*Click! Click! Click!*

"...Dammit...I lost connection to Nagi's profile!" I scratched my head. "What happened??? Did Monokuma somehow block me??" I asked myself, before making sure Makoto is safely entering the program.

Maybe I could check Fuyihiko's profile? No..He wouldn't be able to figure it out. That's why I chose Nagi to tell him everything about being in a program...

"(Y/N)?" I heard the door of the lab open.

I turned my head and saw Byakuya, panting at the door.

"Did you..run here???" I tilted my head in confusion. Wasn't there a way to travel by plane??

"I just wanted the extra jog." Byakuya said while straightening his collar.

"If you say so..." I said sarcastically, grabbing more wires and a needle. "Where's Kyoko?" I asked, seeing that she wasn't with Byakuya.

"She's all the way at America at the moment and is taking the fastest air lift to here. I suppose it will take her a couple of minutes." He pushed up his glasses and crossed his arms.

"Anyways, where's Makoto? He's the one that called me here." He asked.

"He's in his pod. I've already secured the signal so he should be in the program." I said.

"I see. Are we preforming a rescue mission?" Byakuya sarcastically said before going over to a pod.

"Something like that..." I said, before hooking the first wire in his head.

"Can you not be so forceful?? You're tearing my valuable foreskin."

"I'm sorry! I'm just trying to do this quickly...!"

[Nagito's POV]

I blinked, and what I saw, I couldn't believe it. But in this program, anything was possible at this moment.

"Uggh...Wait, where are we!?" Fuyihiko panicked.

"It looks like...Hope's Peak.." I explained, taking in the surroundings. But, something felt wrong. Looked wrong.

Is the program somehow...glitching?

"Phuhuhu! I never actually thought the game would end this way!" A familiar bear laughed and appeared from nowhere.

"AAAAHHH! IT'S MONOKUMA!!!" Kazuichi screamed, then harshly elbowed by Sonia.

"I know it's frightening but do not scream like a baby!" Sonia complained.

"S-Sorry Sonia!" He bowed unnecessarily.

"Enough of your bickering!!" Monokuma shouted. Everyone of us straightened up in fear.

"Now, because this trip is now ending because you entered the ruins," Monokuma twirled in a circle. "You all will graduate soon and leave!"

Leave....The program? There might just be a twist to this...Monokuma wouldn't just allow all of us to leave. Then what would be the point of the killing?

"Graduate and leave this stupid island...?" Fuyihiko repeated.

"Yup! But you just have to solve one more case, and you can all leave!" Monokuma laughed.

"A case...? But none of us has died or even killed someone!" Sonia said.

"Phuhuhu! I mean a case from Hope's Peak! Your sister wasn't also the only stupid one that died here, Fuyihiko." He grinned.

'Be my Hope' [Hajime x Reader x Nagito] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now