Chapter 14: The Safe-House

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Matthew?? Oh my gosh, Fash is alive. 

"I've never heard of a Matthew Ng, just call an ambulance." says CJ, but you shout to stop the guard.

"No wait! That's Fash! He introduced himself as Matthew to me in school. Please, let him in." You beg. The guard looks at CJ, who nods his head. The guard takes out a walkie talkie and says to bring the body to the infirmary. CJ starts to walk out the door and you follow.

"I'll take you to the infirmary. Maybe a familiar voice will help him." 

You rush to get there and arrive just as they're settling him into a bed. You sit down beside his bed, holding his hand. Please wake up, Fash. 

"We're going to have to take him into surgery soon, to get the bullet out from his stomach. I'll give you guys another five minutes" says a nurse. How big is this compound that it has its own private hospital?

You notice beads of sweat forming on his forehead, so you gently wipe them off with a towel. His pulse seems steady, which was a good sign. "Stay strong, Fash. We've got you now, you're safe."

The nurses come back and wheel his bed out. You can't help but feel anxious but you still stay optimistic. If he managed to get all the way here with a bullet in his stomach, I know he can make it. 

You must've waited almost 2 hours. You kept pacing, up and down the room, trying to keep calm. Outside, CJ and his father seem to be arguing. About what, you're not sure. It might be his decision to let Gwen's right hand man into the compound, or maybe, he's already told him of his plan to leave the mafia. Either ways, his dad was not happy. Still, you decided it would be rude to eavesdrop, so you continue pacing. 

Finally, the doors swing open and Fash is wheeled back in. 

"He'll probably be unconscious for another hour or so, we gave him some pretty some sedatives." says the nurse. You nod and sit by his side again. They had removed his blood soaked clothes and given him what looked like white pyjamas. His breathing seems heavy, but you're sure that's just from the fact that he's probably still in huge amounts of pain. You did it, Fash. You're so strong, I know you'll make it. 

CJ walks in and sits by your side. 

"How is he?" he asks. You explain what the nurse said about the sedation, but CJ's mind seems to be elsewhere. 

"What's wrong?" you ask. He sighs and tells you of the argument with his father. It had started with him being told off for letting Fash into the compound, but then he let slip of his plans to leave the gang. 

"Your dad was already pissed at you and you thought it was a good idea to drop that bomb on him?" You almost facepalm, but you know CJ didn't mean to tell him. 

CJ shakes his head. "I just want this to be over. But he told me Gwen is still out there. She managed to make it out. As long as she's out there, she will always try to come after me and my family, and, by extension, you. I can't leave until I know we're safe." He looks down, visibly upset. You hold his hand and smile at him. 

"CJ, I don't care where we are, as long as I'm with you. And if that means that I need to stay locked in this compound for a while for safekeeping, or if I need to have bodyguards sitting in class with me until this all blows over, I don't mind. As long as I'm with you." 

He smiles and kisses your forehead. "This'll all be over soon, I promise."

You rest your head on his shoulder and stay there for a while, until Fash starts to stir. You get up and walk over to his bedside.

"Fash? Can you hear me?" he groans and opens his eyes slightly. You feel like crying from relief. 

"Y/N? Where am I?" he says as he tries to sit up. 

"You were shot, remember? I don't know how you made it out, but you managed to find your way here." 

He looks confused for a moment before nodding his head. "I couldn't go back to the compound, but I remember Gwen saying something about this place." 

You hear CJ catch his breath behind you. "She mentioned this place specifically? This address?" He swears under his breath and whips out his phone. "What exactly did she say, Fash?" but Fash was probably still too dazed to reply, or even remember. 

CJ dials a number and starts shouting orders. "I need you to double the amount of guards, right now! Don't let anyone in or out." He looks at you, fear in his eyes. "We moved the compound the moment Gwen betrayed us. She shouldn't know about this address." He starts typing on his phone, before pulling you aside. 

"I'm going to take you to a safe-house. If this compound is compromised, I can't have you here."

You start to feel slightly terrified as you follow him out of the room. He brings you to the carpark where a car is waiting for you. "I'll meet you there, but I need to settle a few things first." he says as he closes the car door. You wish he could come right now, it feels like something is wrong, but before you can argue, you speed off. 

"Where are we going?" you ask the chauffeur, but he shakes his head. Fair enough, it's a safe-house for a reason. No one can know where I am. 

You arrive at the house and the chauffeur ushers you in. He passes you a phone and takes your phone away. 

"You'll get it back later, but for now, we don't know if they're tracking it."  he says. 

You wait for hours. The house was bare so there wasn't much to do. You tried playing games with the chauffeur, but he refused to talk to you. 

"What time will CJ get here?" you ask, but he simply shrugs his shoulders. You check the time on the phone and realise it's almost 10PM. Worried, you check the contacts list, to see if maybe you can call someone. There's only one number, under Compound. You call the number and wait for a minute. Come on, pick up. Finally you hear someone breathing on the other end. 

"CJ?" you ask, hoping it was him. "Where are you?" 

You hear a laugh on the other end. Your blood runs cold as you recognise the voice. Gwen.

"He's with me, sweetie. And if you want to get your precious CJ back, you'll come back to the compound right now. You have 3 hours to get here, or I kill him." 

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