Chapter 8: The Shipyard

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You woke up to a bunch of messages from CJ. I'll reply later, he can wait. You switch your phone off and go shower. You take your time, enjoying the hot water and steam, and by the time you finish, an hour has already gone by.

Guess I can reply now, you think.

Huh, that's weird, why's his profile picture gone? Maybe he blocked me? Who knows

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Huh, that's weird, why's his profile picture gone? Maybe he blocked me? Who knows. Who cares honestly. You switch your phone off and go about your day. Your mum drops you off at school and everything seems pretty normal. Still no reply from CJ, but at this point it didn't bother you anymore. You head to class and that's when Aaliyah stops you.

"Hey, have you heard from CJ?" 

You roll your eyes.It's always CJ this, CJ that. "No, I haven't. I mean he texted me last night but I was asleep. Why?"

Aaliyah frowns. "He never showed up to our group's breakfast this morning and last night he was acting weird. He texted me at like 3AM saying he had to make things right with you just in case something went wrong." 

You look at her, confused. In case something went wrong? What the heck is he on about? "He's probably being over-dramatic or something." you say, but Aaliyah's face tells you otherwise. Suddenly you start to panic. Maybe something is wrong. You check your phone, still not even delivered. Wait but he might've blocked you. 

"Aaliyah can you check your Whatsapp? Is CJ's profile picture still there?"

She shakes her head, visibly upset. "His picture disappeared this morning and none of my messages have even been delivered. I'm really worried, Y/N."

You feel a knot form in your throat. Where are you, CJ? 

From the corner of your eye, you see Paolo approaching. Maybe he knows. I mean, enemies usually keep tabs on each other right? You walk towards him, with Aaliyah in tow. He smiles at you, but you're too worried to smile back. You ask him if he knows where CJ is, and his smile fades. He knows something. 

"Sorry, Y/N, I haven't seen him around." His tone was firm, yet you could see fear in his eyes. What are you hiding, Paolo? You realise he might not be saying anything because of Aaliyah, so you signal her to leave. As she walks off, Paolo pulls you into an empty room. 

Urgh, enough with the empty rooms, guys!! But you realise now is not the time for humour. 

"Listen, there was a fight last night. It was supposed to be an easy job but we got ambushed and I lost sight of him. I assumed he had left and gone to your place coz he'd mentioned wanting to talk to you earlier." 

"We" got ambushed? Since when do they hang out? What the heck is an "easy job"? Thousands of questions fill your head, to the point where your world starts to spin. "Why were you even hanging out together? I thought you hated each other? And what ambush?"

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