Fooling Around

617 16 9

Status: dating semi-openly

Setting: (okay so ignore his blue hair in the pic, cause he's got brown hair now 👊🏻😌 and it's perfect, plus it looks like that's Tyler on the floor, if so pls lmk) Basically, they just got done recording a video, and then Mark and Ethan record another, in which Mark adds an idea Amy had into it, which is the photo above. It's really cute and fluffy, but there's a little smexual flirt at the end so ;)))


"Remember..only xx months left."

"Time is ticking."

When the video would be edited, you'd be viewing a ticking clock at the end of this video. For now, Mark and Ethan started to clean up from what they did in today's recording. Ethan was about to pick up something, and Mark went over to help.

"It's not that heavy." Ethan protested.

"You hurt yourself ankle today from what we did, I don't want you killing yourself," Mark said, and Ethan rolled his eyes.

Dating didn't change the way they acted toward each other that much, but boy did Mark seem to care a lot more about his safety recently. They ended up cleaning and chilling on the couch a little while after, Amy was playing with Chica since she had been neglected a little today because Mark and Ethan were too busy with recording. Spencer laid in Ethan's lap while the latter sat up against Mark. Who had found his arm around Ethan's shoulder.

"Alright guys, let me know when we're going for another one," Amy said.

They recorded multiple videos some days, and it got really tiring. Ethan looked up and was wondering the same. He asked what had been next up on the list for them to record.

"Next is, seeing is testing our strength," Mark said, which made Ethan's face twist.

"If you think I can out-strength you, you're wrONg." He laughed, Spencer, jumping off his lap.

"No, it's more of we pick up different weights and see how far beyond we can go," Mark corrected.

Ethan thought about it, humming and thinking about the amount he could carry in weight. He couldn't bench much, but his stamina is good. What didn't process for a second was a kiss Mark gave him behind the ear, and he got all smiley, flustered as Amy was not far away from them.

"You good to go do it now?" Mark asked, and Ethan nodded.


It was a little way into the recording, and the room was filled with thick enough air you could cut it with a knife. Mark was sweating and Ethan was groaning about how hard it was to lift a certain amount of pounds. Ethan was also hating how much the image of Mark's arms moving around, and his hands gripping bars. Ethan was a mess, but he kept his composure for the camera. He went to go for pull-ups again and forgot his ankle got hurt earlier, he stepped off of his bad foot and yelped.

"Ow! Fuck—" He curled down to the floor, sitting on his ass and holding around the part where it hurt.

"Eth, you good?" Mark said concerned, dropping a dumbbell and walking over.

"Yeah, just my ankle." He said, holding up a hand to signal he was okay.

Ethan would feel bad if he were to taint the recording, so he eagerly got up and faced Mark and nodded. Mark didn't like his response, cause he saw the pain beaming off his face.

"Alright, let's do the last thing for me," Mark said, getting on the floor.

"Wait what?" Ethan said a bit confused.

"C'mon, I'm gonna lift you under your hips and see how long my legs can hold you up."

"That sounds dangerous.." Ethan said while scratching the side of his nose.

Amy zoomed into them with the camera as Ethan mounted Mark, his hips were placed on Mark's feet, and their hands interlocked together. Ethan was then pushed up, and he yelped, laughing and feeling his head go dizzy only often.

"This is so bad— I'm gonna fall and smASh right into your head!" Ethan cried out, a little worried.

Meanwhile, Mark did exaggerated grunts every time he gave Ethan more leverage. Ethan giggled, staring down at Mark as it was funny to see him like this.

"WoAh-" Ethan said, Mark moved him around with his legs and the lifted boy got nervous.

"Okay okay! I think your legs are thicc enough!! Put me down!" Ethan said, frantically looking around.

Mark did so, and Ethan was knelt by the other's legs, while the man who now laid flat on the ground wiped his forehead from sweat. Ethan giggled and held his head from how lightheaded he was, and Mark sat up.

"I feel like imma pass out."

"Same dude, I'm- I finally have pursued my dream of becoming a plane. I flew today guys." Ethan joked, looking to the camera.


After that sweaty mess, they were done recording, and Amy had headed home for the night. Ethan took a shower at Mark's, and when Mark got up to go after him, Ethan stopped him.

"You looked, really, really hot by the way." He said so casually with a smirk, walking past him and going to change into clean clothes.

Mark chuckled and happily thanked him and acknowledged himself as well, earning a laugh from Ethan in the other room. Mark peeked out of the bathroom doorway and saw Ethan changing.

"Hey, maybe next time I'll look like that, only above you." He said, leaving Ethan to snicker in embarrassment while he went back inside the bathroom.



👁w👁 love y'all, too lazy to word count, but in total this entire page is 960 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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