O N E -"We dated in high school."

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Catherine sighed as she unpacked her last box in her room. It was tough moving to LA,but it was a decision she was beginning to love. While her fathers insistence that she live in a house he bought had initially irritated her,she was glad she had accepted the offer.

The house was unreasonably large seeing it was just her,but it was on the beach. She had loved the beach ever since she was a little girl,and it made her smile that her father remembered that. She'd have a bit of a drive to the police precinct but it would be worth it. She loved driving and nothing beat the fact that the beach was her back yard.

Her phone rang,interrupting her thoughts. She glanced at the screen and answered when she saw it was her father calling. "Hey dad."She answered,making her way to her kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine.

"My baby,how's the unpacking going?"Her father asked,hoping she'd admit that she needed someone to come and help her unpack her belongings.

"Fine dad. I'm going to take it room by room,you know I like taking my time on these kinds of things."

"I know,honey. Do you like the house?"He sighed in defeat,knowing his daughter was as stubborn and independent as her mother.

"Yes dad,you know I love the beach."She grinned,looking out at the beach from her perch on the swing of her back porch.

"I'm glad baby."

The next morning Catherine laced up her boots to make her way to the precinct. It'd be her first day on the job as an officer in Los Angeles, but she had her eyes set on another position. She worked hard to be recognized and respected as an officer,her hopes set on the FBI. She didn't mind working the beat,finding it was the best way to learn the land before she made home in such a large agency.

Grabbing a muffin and her coffee she made her way to her car,her beloved Jeep Cherokee. The blonde let some music play to make her long drive to work more relaxing. She didn't mind driving,finding it was the best way to ease her nerves.

She parked in the first spot she saw,making sure to take an extra second to check all the boxes on her mental checklist and guarantee she looked presentable. She tightened her ponytail and made her way inside the building. She felt various eyes on her but she didn't let that bring her down as she made her way to the Captains office.

Today's gonna be a good day.

_______Catherine's POV______

I knocked on the glass door,pushing it open when the Captain waved me in.

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to interrupt."I apologized,smiling warmly at the dark skinned woman with short hair who was talking with the captain prior to my arrival.

"No need to apologize. Catherine,this is Sargeant Athena Grant. She'll be your partner."Captain Maynard introduced.

"Nice to meet you sergeant. I'm Catherine."I held my hand out for her to shake. She gripped my hand firmly,her shake giving off the same no nonsense vibe that she carried.

"Nice to meet you as well,Catherine. If we're going to be partners,none of that Sergeant. You can call me Athena."She smiled warmly.

I could tell I'd get along with her,you could see she was passionate about her job. I nodded at her statement,following her out once the Captain let us go.

"Come on,let's get you your radio and body cam."She led me to said items,telling me all the little facts she felt I'd need to know about the precinct. "You're quite the pretty young girl to be here in law enforcement."She commented as I signed the log for my items.

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