Chapter thirteen

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Rick, Hershel and Daryl had left the prison to meet the Governor not too long ago as the rest of the group was getting ready for any kind of attack. Measi took another box of sniper bullets as she stuffed them into her pockets. 

''Beth, put more up on the catwalk. If anyone gets pinned down, we need to make sure that they have plenty of ammo.'' Glenn passed another box of ammo to Beth, who got right to work as she left the room and went to the catwalk. ''I'll go work on the cage outside.'' He wanted to leave too, but Merle beat him to it, resulting Measi to roll her eyes. 

''What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower in a truck and paying a visit to the Governor. We know where he is right now.''

''Are you suggesting that we just go in and kill him?''

''Yeah, I am. We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put.'' Measi spoke up, putting extra pressure on her half-brother by using his brother. 

''I've changed my mind, sweetheart.''

''Don't call me-'' Nathan stepped up besides her, a gun in hand in case he needed to use it to defend himself or Measi. 

''Being on the sideline with my brother out there ain't sitting right with me.'' Measi glared at him as he spoke again, he knew she hated it when he called her that name and than choose to ignore her. 

''The three of them are right in the middle of it. No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things could go wrong.'' 

''And they will.''

''My dad can take care of himself.'' Carl spoke up to him, glaring at the older man. 

''Sorry, son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon.''

''Don't say that to him.'' Maggie argued with him as she placed a bandanna around her wrists. 

''It's not the right move. Not now. Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire. That's my decision. It's final.'' Glenn now did walk away, Measi following him as she tugged on Nathan's hand, pushing him to follow her. 

As Measi sat the sniper rifle they gathered the days before in one of the guard towers before herself and Nathan pulled out all of the ammo out of their pockets. When they finished Measi put her own sniper on the ground, leaving herself to feel unprotected. That sniper had gotten her out of very tight spaces and it was worth the world to her. 

Nathan gave her a weak smile as he pulled her into a soft kiss, his hands traveling to her waist as she moved her hands to his back and his hair. It felt somewhat unnatural to let her guard down ever since her father had started beating her up, she always felt as if she needed to be ready to attack at any given moment.

He pulled back as he studied her face, taking notice of the small scar just above her right eyebrow, he traced his finger over it before she flinched and pulled back from him. ''Sorry.'' 

She shook her head at him as she pulled of her leather jacket, feeling as if letting yet another wall down in front of him. ''It's okay.'' She swallowed past the lump in her throat as she sat down against the wall, letting herself relax for a moment. ''Just didn't know it still hurt as much as it does.''  

''How did you get it?'' She pursed her lips together for a moment, as if debating whenever to tell him or not, and in her mind, she did debate it, was she ready to let all her walls crumble to the ground, even for a moment? 

''My father did that.'' She looked down to the floor before Nathan sat down besides her, his arm going around her shoulders in comfort. ''He got angry at me for shooting with his gun, pulled me out of my room before dragging me to the kitchen, his gun in his hands as he shot the plate in front of me ... it shattered and a piece of glass cut me,'' she tapped on the scar as she raised her shoulders softly. ''right there.'' 

She could tell he was shocked by the discovery that she had to deal with abuse from such a young age. It explained why she wouldn't allow him to touch her within the first month of meeting, the flinching when she heard a loud sound, or glass shattering, she was always ready to get beat up. 

''My mom wasn't much better though.'' Nathan snapped up from his thoughts again when she spoke up again, he hadn't expected that she'd speak up again, let alone speak up about her family. ''She was a real drunk.'' She somewhat gave a chuckle after that sentence. ''She never got groceries, so when I was six, the only thing in the freezer was this red liquid in a glass.'' He chuckled now too, knowing that it had to be wine. ''That's how I learned to drink.'' 

''So wait, you had your first drink at the age of six?''

''Yup, how about you?'' 

''Never had one.'' She gasped at that as she turned to him, he had to be lying, a sixteen year old boy who never had any kind of alcohol. 

''Not even a beer?'' He chuckled at her as he shook his head, allowing her to end up in a big laughter, hiding her face in his chest to die down the sound. 

When a car and a motorcycle pulled up, Measi and Nathan rushed downstairs, entering the cell block, Nathan and Measi leaning against the wall, Measi with her arms crossed and one leg propped up. 

''So, I met this Governor. Sat with him for quite a while.''

''Just the two of you?'' Merle questioned, Measi hadn't been there herself, but she heard from Glenn that Merle had tried to leave to go and kill the Governor, he must have been indicating to that. 


''Should have gone when we had the chance, bro.''

''He wants the prison. He wants us gone. Dead. He wants us dead for what we did to Woodbury. We're going to war.'' Measi shifted next to Nathan uncomfortably as he pushed his arm around her, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder. 

So, for this chapter I wanted to explore Measi's life a bit more instead of just focusing on her and Nathan. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did, please leave a vote, comment and add this book to your reading list to stay updated of when I upload. See you next week! 

-X Violet's-library

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