[Chapter 9]

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Chapter 9: University of Morons!

[A/N]: Hey guys! As Promised, Sorry to keep you waiting for a very loooooooong time ;-; Ahaha please don't kill me ;-; I am truly sorry! I know it's not January yet but I decided to make it more early! Yay! :D Thanks for all the support ;-; !

Even know it's super shitty


School was pretty much getting out of hand and your parents are running out of money to pay your tuition fees, (because, HELL The Institution is such an expensive school!) So you went out for the day and looked for a decent job. You went to countless restaurants but they didn't accepted you. You went to some clothing shops and asked if they are hiring a Saleslady, which they do but denied your permission to work in their shop because they don't hire human beings. You sighed in disappointment and went to the city's bulletin board, which had tons of posters. There was this big poster which caught your attention.

"WANTED: Waiter/Waitress (Human or Not!)
PLACE: Smile's PuB
BRING THE F.F: Birth Certificate, Human License (If you are one!)
**MUST BE __ - 90 Years OLD**
CONTACT NO: 1357-444-9999"

You smiled in relief just by reading the poster. You went home and told your parents about it, which they weren't happy about...

"Smile's PuB?! are you serious?!" -Father's Name- screamed.

"Calm down dad! Look! This is the only job I can afford!" You pouted.

"Darling! You really don't know what waitress means in smile's pub do you?" -mother's name- said.

"I know! But! I want to work!" You shushed your parents.

"You know what ____! If you want to work then Work! God! Don't come crying on me if something bad happens to you, I tell ya! Smile's PuB is a dangerous place!"

"Fine! I'll go!" You shouted in defeat and ran outside.

After ranting in front of your parents, You head to Smile's PuB, but stopped at your tracks when you saw how HUGE the building was! More like, 270 stories tall! It looks nothing like an ordinary PuB!
You gulped and went inside, You met a Pretty lady at the counter and told her that you wanted to work in here. She smiled and you two headed at the backdoor, staring at her. She had those curves and a pretty face. But what made you 'ewe' was the Slutty clothes that she was wearing!

She insisted you on sitting on a nearby leather couch which was so soft and Fluffy. She left you and you suddenly had the urged to hug the pillows near you! You cuddled with it a bit and stopped because the doors were suddenly opened.

"Hello, My dear" A deep zombie-ish voice said. You gasped when you saw his face. It was green and he had a wide grin. His teeth was yellowish and he was bald.

"I am Smile's, The owner of this building! I see that you are looking for a job eh?" He spoke and seated next beside you. You moved a bit to give him extra space.

"How long has It been? 3? 4? 500 years?" He chuckled.

"I don't know, I'm only ___ years old..." You said.

"Ahhh, A human I see, hmmm, Let's begin the Job Interview shall we?" He spoke while motioning you to follow him into his office, Once you got there you sat on a chair in front of his desk.

You both begin talking about your background and life. Which he found quite entertaining. You told him about your 'Skills' at cooking and that you were quite fond of cleaning the kitchen. He smirked and stood up from his seat.

"I've decided! You're hired! You are both a waitress and a kitchen helper, your work starts at exactly 6:00 PM, Tomorrow! Do I make myself clear?" He said. You nodded and he handed you a paper, it somewhat looks like a signature.

"This paper proofs that I hired you today! If you loose it then I'm sorry! Find another job! This paper is pretty small and easy to tore, so be gentle with it! Let's see how responsible you are mortal!" He chuckled. He smirked once again and motioned you to leave his office and go home.

But, When you went out of his office you accidentally bumped on to someone!

"Ow! Sorry!" You said.

"Ugh, Smile's!" The tall stranger frustratingly shouted. He had a blonde hair, gray-violetish skin, he has different eye colors, which is green and purple, and most of all his skin had various stitches placed on them. He was more like a Frankenstein.

He glared at you for a moment when smiles suddenly appears.

"Don't scare my new employee Frankie! Sheesh, Be nice sometimes! Now go along dear, you don't what to waste your oxygen in our conversation do you?" Smiles spoke in a rather comforting tone.

You smiled weakly and left the building, off to your home.

[At Your House]

"Hey clockwork! I got some good news for you!" You said on the phone while sitting next to the window.

"What? E.J likes you back?" Clockwork laughed.

"No! Haha, Good joke, I have a job now! Means, I can continue my study and become a professional {Insert Ambition Here XD} !"

"Oh! That's great!"

"What about you? What's your ambition?"

"I don't know, Maybe a ruthless rich killer! I don't really know, hmmm actually... Toby's planning to marry me after we graduate from the Institution so I guess my ambition is to become a wife"

"How long have you been dating Toby?"

"About 6 or 7 years or so"

"God! That's so long!"

"How about you? How long are you planning to make Eyeless Jack your boyfriend? Hmmm?"

"Seriously! I don't even know if he has a girlfriend or not...I mean, he's a member of that stupid Triple S squad! He's friends with that 'Leader Jeff' asshole, god I hate that lidless prick"

"Yeah, that Triple S Squad, Actually, Jeff isn't really the leader.. Have you heard of Isaac Grossman? Best friend of L.J ? Toby told me that guy dropped off of school because of his criminal records in under realm.. And yes he told me that this Isaac dude is their real leader which creeps me out because Isaac is the only person in the group to have the balls to sneak inside the school's dungeon"

There was a very long pause from this conversation. You jumped when your mother knocked on the door, scaring you. You sighed and heard clockwork laughing at the other side of the line. She must have heard you gasped.

"______? you still awake? Go to bed now, You still have school tomorrow!" {Insert Mother's Name} said.

"Yes! Right away!" You shouted and ended the call. You sighed and crawled under the covers of your bed and slept.



So what do you think? Please tell me? Is it bad or too cliche ?

What do you think about Smile's PuB? Is it really dangerous?

Who is Frankie and Isaac Grossman? (You'll find out on the future chapters! :3)

Do you think there are too many characters in this story? Which I think so because I'm planning to add the slender brothers, Ms. P and Grinny! Or maybe ShadowLurker ? Or maybe other pastas! Or Maybe Lazari? Hmmm?

I usually think story with many characters make the story more wider and long lasting. Like, you can make a book 2 about the other characters !

Please tell me about your opinions! :) I like opinions :D
Thank you for reading!

University of Morons!! (A Creepypasta x Reader Story) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now