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《 07 ─── CHAPTER SEVEN ࿐ ˊˎ-

《 07 ─── CHAPTER SEVEN ࿐ ˊˎ-────────────

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"that's a mistake on your behalf, not gonna lie. anyway, I need introductions from y'all." you said, shifting your gaze to focus on the rest of the class.

"but- don't you already know us from the group chat?" asked a blond with a streak of black in his hair.
"well, yes, but I don't know what ya look like, do I?"
"ah, you make a good point." he said.
"I do indeed. ahem, anyway. introductions. now."

"right, well, I'm none other than your first friend, the one and only Ashido Mina!" the pink girl standing next to you said.
"girl, i-. oh my god. hi, hello, despite the fact that I knew of this arrangement, I was not prepared to meet you yet."
"uh, okay. well, you're just as I expected." she replied, smiling at you.
"is that a good thing or a bad thing..?"
"I'll let you decide that for yourself." Ashido smirked.

"aghhhh, anyway. anyone else willing to tell me who they are?" you asked, scanning the group of people for anyone who looked as though they were going to talk.
"nobody? jeez, you were so nice on the group chat, but now you're ghosting me."
"i-" Ashido said, looking at the rest of the class and then back at you.
"yeah, I get it. it's because I'm uglier than you expected. I understand. I should have stayed under that desk. speaking of which, who even told me to get out from under the table?"
there was a silence, followed by Ashido and a few others pointing at a blond boy sitting in the corner, glaring at everyone.
"oi, you fuckers, don't tell her that!" he shouted, glaring even more, if that were possible.
"thanks. anyway, who are you, I feel like I've talked to you."
"I'm not fucking telling you that." he replied, looking away.
"no, but it's your fucking fault that everyone's ignoring me, so you have to tell me who you are!"
"no I fucking don't!" he shouted at you, narrowing his eyes.
"umm, I can answer your question. that's Bakugou, but, umm, I think you call him mr aggressive?" a boy with spiky red hair said, quickly looking at the blond and then back at you.
"shitty hair, I'm going to fucking murder you." the blond said, before returning his gaze to the floor, hoping to avoid eye contact with you, knowing it would only cause him more annoyance.
"Mr aggressive? oh my god, you bitch, why didn't you say anything sooner?"
"for this reason exactly, you fucker." Bakugou replied.
"wow, so harsh. I can't believe this."

"moving on. anyone else willing to talk to me? I feel like I say that a lot, I'm basic."
"well, I'm Kirishima Eijiro! I think we talked a bit on the group chat?" the spiky red head from before said, smiling his iconic smile.
"oh my god, you're so precious, what the heck."
"thank you..?" he replied, tilting his head slightly.
"you're welcome." you said, pointing finger guns™ in his direction.
"eeeeyyyyy, finger guns™." the boy who reminded you of pikachu said, also using finger guns™.

"eeeeyyyyyyyyyy," you replied, "wait, who are you?"
"that. I, uh, give me a minute." he said, quickly turning around. he then flipped around dramatically, flicking his hair at the same time. "I'm," there was a pause, "your man."
"i- oh my god," you blushed, "what the fuck, you didn't tell me you were hot, bitch." numerous people around the room snorted at your rather bold statement, wondering where you got the courage to say such a thing.
the blond looked back at you, blinking once before replying "you say that, but have you seen yourself, because, wow."
"aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, stop making me blushhhhhhhh." you said, looking down and, well, blushing.
"sorry, but you can't deny facts, they have to be said." the blond spoke, watching as you descended into what could only be described as a panic of the straight (?) variety.

(a/n I would have put gay panic, but in this circumstance, it's actually a heterosexual interaction. y'all can make up Y/N's sexuality for yourself, but just so you know, she's kinda into everyone, like, there will be times where she will flirt with boys and girls and stuff. this is simply coming from the fact that I don't want to force a sexuality onto someone, so y'all can choose ✌️😗)

"ahem," you said, rising from your panic of the straight variety to stand and give the rest of the class an awkward glance, "sorry about that. please, do continue with whatever we were previously doing."

a few minutes of awkward introductions later, you found yourself vibing with your new classmates, wondering when Aizawa would show up. speaking of Aizawa, he soon came through the door, at which point everyone rushed to their seats.
"okay, so if you hadn't already realised, we have a new student here. introduce yourself if you haven't done so yet." Aizawa said, gesturing towards you, waiting for you to say something.
"ha. y'all should know that I am the wonderful L/N Y/N, in other words, the crackhead that graced your class group chat with my presence. you're welcome for that, by the way. anyway, if you don't know who I am, then you should read through the group chat messages before I get offended because you were ignoring me."

the morning passed quicker than you had anticipated, with talk of an upcoming sports festival being mentioned. you'd heard of the UA sports festival before, but had never bothered to watch it in previous years, so you didn't know much about what it was like. with the morning over it was lunch break and you found yourself being dragged along to the cafeteria by Ashido, who insisted that you sat with her and some of your other classmates at lunch. you could feel the eyes of other students on you as you were pulled down the corridor, it surprised you that so many people were that interested in the fact that there was a new girl at the school. you didn't think it was too big of a deal. but then again, it's not like you had just joined any school, you were at UA.

when you entered the cafeteria, you were rushed to a table and shoved into a chair next to Ashido, who, smiled at you.
"you're welcome, by the way, feel free to vibe at my table." she said, while gesturing to the table you were now sitting at.
"am I not allowed to get food or..?" you asked, glancing at the increasingly large queue that was forming for food.
"oh. yeah, I forgot about that. you might want food. I'll, uh, save your seat?" Ashido giggled, leaning across your chair as you stood up, making sure no-one would claim your seat while you were away getting food.
"sure, I'll see you in a few minutes then." you replied, smiling as you began walking to the queue.
"oh, wait!" Ashido shouted to you, "could you get me something, please?"
you snorted, already knowing she was going to ask you something like that, "yeah, okay, I'll see what I can find."
you shook your head as you took the short walk to the queue, realising that you were going to have more fun here than you had ever had anywhere else in your life.


"so, are you going to kill me?" you asked, tilting your head towards the blond who was currently looking at you with an expression of pure disgust mixed with hatred.
"why did you remind him, you idiot?" the other blond, who just so happened to look like pikachu, said, fear in his eyes.
"uh. murder is illegal. this is a school for heroes. I don't think he's allowed to kill me? I mean, unless..?"

a silence followed your statement, with people avoiding eye contact and looking mildly interested in the floor.
"ahem. after that trainwreck of a conversation, who else feels like letting me know who you are?"

more silence.

"jesus. I thought I was awkward but y'all are on a whole other level."

i think shinsou gets introduced next chapter, that should hopefully make this better 🧍‍♀️

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