Chapter One

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 "Hurry up, already! Before our twoleg and us, leave you behind, Autumn!" Milo shouted. The tom gracefully, leaping down from the fence and padding up, to the she-cat. Who was clearly daydreaming at the green forest that was in front of their home. She flicked her ears, finally noticing her brother Milo, by her side.

"Why are you looking at the forest, yet again, Autumn?"

She let out a sigh under her breath. Her brother Milo, just shaking his head with an slight roll of his eyes in the process. Autumn stood up, slowly, trotting away from the tom. Her tail raised high in the air, as she was getting closer to the forest. Leaving the tom to follow after her in the dangerous woods of the wild cat clans of the forest.


She ignore Milo's yelp for her to stop in her tracks. As he had stopped following her, leaving Autumn to wander into one of the clans of the forest' territory.

And then in a matter of seconds, a strange cat. Leaped on top of Autumn, digging their sharp claws on her beck. Autumn letting out a screech of pain, her claws, unsheathing in the process. With Milo, dashing over to his sister and slashing the wild cat, near the eyes. Sending the wild cat, off of Autumn's back.

"Autumn, run!" He shouted, with him and the cat, slashing at each other.

She looked at Milo and then at the wild cat. Soon, following her brother's orders. As she began to run after, with the loud sounds of growls in the distance. Please, I beg of you, Starclan. Let my brother Milo, make it out, alive!, she thought to herself.

With a sudden white blur, pinning her down to the ground. Their claws, unsheathed. Autumn froze, she looked up at the cat who still had her pinned down to the ground with their strong, bear like strength. The long furred white tom, looked down at her, his blue and green eyes, sparkling. With the strange tom having dark colored ears and muzzle.

"Get off of me!" She shouted, her voice sounding clearly weak.

The tom rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh from his breath. Before he took his paws, off of her chest. His tail whipping, up in the air. Autumn rolled to the side, quickly, getting to her paws. She looked at the strange tom, who looked around the same age of her mother, Venus. He turned his gaze on her. The older tom was clearly, taller than her. As he had a kinda sturdy, muscular build.

"You should get going before my clan gets my clan leader and our best fighter of the clan. On you and your brother. As my clan doesn't like kittypets on our territory. Your lucky it was me, who pinned you down. If it was someone else in my clan, you wouldn't be breathing, right now." He hissed in a stern tone of voice.

Autumn rolled her eyes in ignorance. "Thanks for not killing me. If you don't mind, sir. Can you tell your friends, to stop, attacking my brother?"

He mumbled something under his breath, that she couldn't make out of. The tom ran away from the she-cat, following in the direction of which she came from. With Autumn, lagging behind the wild tom.

"STOP!"  He yelled at them.

The wild cats that was attacking Milo, had froze to look at the wild tom. Who was standing up proudly, letting out growls at them. It looked like he was scowling them, like little kits. He was acting kinda like their grumpy mother.

"Thanks for the help. If you don't mind, I will be taking my brother and me, home." With that, Autumn slapped the tom by the right side of his face, as she padded over to the bleeding Milo. He raised his head, looking at his older sister.


Kiwi looked at the wild cats and then at her bleeding younger brother. As she marched her way to her siblings, grabbing Milo by the neck and padding off. Sending a few glares at the wild cats, on her way. Autumn, following close on her trail.

When the they finally made it back to their twolegs' home. Kiwi placed the injured Milo, down. With the older she-cat, starting to scratch on the door of the house. '"I know you can hear me scratching over here! You dumb twolegs!"

"How about you just let out a loud yowl or something....", said Autumn.

Kiwi gave her an death stare at her. Autumn, looking the other way. The wooden door opening in a few minutes, revealing a female twoleg and a very older she-cat by the name of Venus. By the twoleg's shoes. With the old lilac she-cat' belly being bigger than usual.

Venus was shocked at the sigt of her hurted kit, Milo. The twoleg, picking up the black tom with the white right paw. Taking the bleeding Milo, inside. The three she-cats following after the twoleg.

"If anyone needs me, I will be in the kitchen. Eating some food before I take my daily nap of the day." Autumn began to pad along the hallway, with Kiwi, following after her. While the twoleg and Venus, checked on Milo's wounds in the living room.

"Where do you think your going? Your the one who got Milo all hurt, I'm not done with you. Until you get a punishment from mother." Autumn rolled her eyes in annoyance, not wanting her older sister to start getting on her nerves, already. The tortoiseshell she-cat just let out a growl, before she leaped in the kitchen with Kiwi, hissing under her breath.

"When will you grow up, Autumn! The rest of us have grown up while you still behaving like a little kit, still!" Kiwi shouted.

Autumn walked faster, the boiling anger inside of her, raising more and more with every second, she thought of her sister's words.


Fern was sitting on the kitchen table, seeing a familiar black and white tortoiseshell she-cat, walking in the kitchen. As she could easily tell that Autumn was angry, due to the fact she heard Kiwi's shouting. That was directed to the younger she-cat. Fern tilted her head, when Autumn began to eat her food, not taking her time to chew her pet food, properly.

'"If you don't eat your chewy bits, properly. You will choke on one of those, small brown bits."

Autumn looked at her, with a huge amount of chewy bits in her mouth. With some of the chewy bits, landing on the checker colored  floor. "I don't care if, I choke on one of these chewy bits! So, leave me alone, Fern! I'm already mad at Kiwi, today."

Fern looked at Autumn with a emotionless stare. As she leaped off of the kitchen table and began to walk out of the kitchen. Leaving her upset sister to her pet food.

"The is the beginning of a new era for the city clans....", said a voice.

Fern's fur was sticking up as she turned around to see a starry figure of a cat. The starry cat, disappearing in a matter of seconds, leaving tiny white sparkles. Behind.

"The beginning of a new era?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2014 ⏰

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