Daring To Move

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Going to the market was a lot more interesting now. As he and his uncle looked around and sold their produce to buy more, Sizhui was considerably more cheerful, or at least more explicitly so. He hummed to himself as Ning was selling turnips to a lovely old lady who had taken a liking to his shy but passionate approach to selling his goods, and was thinking of other things.

"The sun is setting. If you want, you can just go to the pop up shops and meet him now." Ning piped up as he and Sizhui left the customer on her way.

"Hm?" Sizhui mumbled as he snapped back to reality. His uncle sighed in annoyance, which wasn't common for such a mild mannered man. Perhaps seeing his nephew so attentive on a stranger was grating on him.

"A' Yuan, just go and meet him. I'll take care of everything. Just come back to the barrier when you're done."

Grinning widely, Sizhui instantly  jumped and pulled his uncle into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Uncle!"

He immediately sped off in the direction of the shops, slightly giddy from excitement. Ning had to have a few seconds to steady himself.

"Aiya...he really does take after Wei-gongzi..."


"Someone's excited to go out."

Jingyi heard the voice of a certain young master tease him as he exited the tavern where the cultivators were staying. He turned around to see the asshole he considered a friend leaning on the doorframe, a knowing grin on his face.

"Ah shut up, Jin Ling." Jingyi retorted, readjusting his headband slightly. "Don't you have a night hunt to bomb, young mistress?"

The response he got was a whack on the side of his head, and the sound of said indignant young heir scoffing.


"When don't you two argue?" Zizhen, the other asshole that was his friend, snickered as he too went outside.  "If you weren't so into that guy you met yesterday, I'd say you two were an old bickering married couple."

"Shut up!" Both Jingyi and Jing Ling shouted, though for different reasons.

Zizhen just laughed. Jin Ling hurriedly hopped on the mention of Jingyi's plans. He got up from the door frame and walked closer to Jingyi and Zizhen.

"So you're meeting that guy from yesterday again today, huh? Soooooo romantic," he drawled.

"Hey Jin Ling, should we get him the red and gold robes already?" Zizhen added. "He found his fated one so fast!"

"Cut the sentimental bullshit," Jingyi grumbled. "you've read that stupid romance novel, what was it, Dreams of the Jade Dragon? That's exactly what your chances at romance are: a dream."

"Oh, how my heart stings at such an insult!" Zizhen exclaimed dramatically, flinging himself at Jingyi as if he were a distressed maiden from such novels.

"Ugh, get off me you melodramatic bastard." He groaned. Again, Zizhen grinned and hopped off him.

"Just making sure you practice in case you need to catch him!"

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