Head Full Of Bad Thoughts

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Jingyi couldn't believe that he could survive sharing a room with Zizhen and Jin Ling. Not that they were horrible roommates, but once again, they were smug bastards. He was sat on the floor, his back against the bed that Jin Ling was lying on top of, reading over the book that he had bought on a date with Sizhui. Zizhen had snuck out to bring in liquor behind their masters' backs, as he was going to be the one in less trouble should he be caught.

"Come on, asshat." Jin Ling pried, pushing the book away from Jingyi's face. "Tell us why you came back late last night."

"None of your damn business." Jingyi replied, swatting Jin Ling with said book as if he was some annoying mosquito. "Worry about your own affairs."

"We know who's the reason, but we don't know specifics." Jin Ling huffed. "Maybe the alcohol will loosen your lips."

"Don't count on it, dickhead." Jingyi chuckled. "That's for me and me alone to know."

The door clicked open, and Zizhen quietly ran in with three bottles of liquor in his arms, then he closed the door. He looked quite suspicious: it was miraculous that he hadn't been caught.

"God, how obvious can you be?!" Jin Ling hissed. "You look like some street rat who's stolen some food from the farmer's cart."

"I almost got stopped by that Su She asswipe coming here," Zizhen grumbled, sitting down next to Jingyi and placing the liquor down by them. "Honestly, why do you keep him around, Jingyi?"

"It's not my choice," Jingyi replied, disgruntled. "That bastard betrayed us and made his own clan: it's apparently a branch of the Lans, but I would burn off Jin Ling's nipples off before accepting him as part of us."

"Why has it gotta be my nipples?!" Jin Ling yelled out.

"Why would you care? It's not like anyone would see them anyways~"

"You little shit, I'll rip yours off first!"

Jin Ling bolted from the bed to attack Jingyi, and his hands immediately went to tug on Jingyi's chest. However, Jingyi was far too quick for that, and he immediately sprang into action. He stood up and whacked Jin Ling on the forehead, and Zizhen ducked so that he wouldn't get hit. Jin Ling's response to that was to grab Jingyi by his robes and pull so hard that he fell down onto the bed. Once Jingyi yelled out, Jin Ling tackled him and held him tight in a bear hug, a smug grin on his face. As Jingyi was trying to shake him off, his legs flailed about, almost kicking Zizhen in the face.

"Oi!" Zizhen protested, clutching the alcohol to his chest. "Don't break the bottles or my face!"

"Zizhen! Get his legs!" Jin Ling called out. "We'll let go when this bastard tells what he's been up to last night!"


Jingyi was cut off when Zizhen smirked, put down the liquor and ran to him to grab ahold of his legs.

"Tell us where you were last night, or Jin Ling really will rip off your nipples!"

"Let go of me, you c-"

The sudden sound of footsteps nearing their door stopped them in their tracks for a second, before instantly letting go of Jingyi. They scrambled to sit a position which was normal, and Jin Ling nudged the bottles of liquor underneath the bed right behind where Zizhen was sitting, far enough so even if Zizhen stood up, they would not be spotted easily.

They were lucky to have thought quickly, because the doors burst open to reveal the dastardly Su She himself. He sauntered into the room as if it were his property, and Jingyi had to bite done a grimace behind the book he was reading. Jin Ling was now up and pretending to practice his swordsmanship, waving his sword Suihua about, whilst Zizhen was sat next to Jingyi just making idle chatter in an attempt to look normal.

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