Chapter 4

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You quickly volunteer to take your siblings place. You are ushered up on stage and shake the other tributes hand. You are then ushered into the justice building and lead to a room with a guard at the door. Your family members are the first ones let into the room. You are given three minutes to talk with them. You hug the Twins while they cry your father Hugs you and wishes you luck then you are left alone as the peace keepers lead the twins and your dad out. You are left alone in the quiet room and then peace keepers come in and lead you and the other tribute ot a waiting car which then loads you onto the train.

You are given a room of your own. You can take a shower or go down to the dinning hall early.

*if you take a shower go to chapter 3*

*If you go down to the dinning hall early go to chapter 9*

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