A collection of stories, made into a Poetic fiction
and tailored fit with blood, tears, effort, and time.
From people's lives,
From the subconscious mind,
From randomness and reasons.
Come! Read & Explore what's behind each soul!
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(Thine own tries, smelts a gold. Thine own cries, spells a corpse.)
Blurry ghost and smokes clouded my sight,
Then I had a vision.
I was in front of a door way, it is a crude looking door way with marbles as its pillars and a stone slate as its roof.
In front of me where three women wearing thin veils, smiling and staring at me.
They were all seated in sparkly, clean stone chairs and were all facing at each other in a wooden round table made from oak.
The First women were clad in white garments from head to toe, and she was drinking a tea from an ivory teacup with golden cracks while eating some finely sliced bread, prepared in a small white plate.
The Second women were clad in an eerie plain dark garments from head to toe, and she was drinking a glass of crystal-clear water that gleamed with light while grasping a fragrant fruit that bleeds blood every time, she gnawed her teeth on it.
The Third women were clad in a bloody dark scarlet garment from head to toe and among all the three, she smiled the brightest. In her hands were a chalice that shone silvery, made from golden white. The chalice had intricate designs with symbols and runes I could not understand. The Chalice shaped like an hour glass, contained a bloody dark scarlet hue just like her garments. She drank the wine from the chalice and offered me a steak.
In my bewildered state I hesitated to enter that crude doorway and upon looking at the sideways there are two burly men glaring and snarling at me. They were done in Golden plate of armors and each were holding halberds pointing their sharp weapons towards me.
In panic I entered the doorway and a Giant stone covered the doorway.
As I was walking, I noticed the floor cracking and a thin spike of Ice gradually emerged. The Ice turned earthen the Ice melted and the spikes were replaced with solid spiky boulders.
Each step I make, made the floor turned hollow and a visible pool of magma revealed itself.
But as I walk, those spikes or pool of magma did not hurt me, it only bothered me.
And The three women wearing veil, all stood up to welcome me. Each with the same endearment.
But each of them called me in different names,
The White Lady called me Envy The Black Lady called me Wrath The Red lady called me Lust
And they all endearingly said: Darling!
Let the wise reform the words of the vision: "He who witnessed the brides of The Lost chamber shall be King!"
And I awoke with my heavy eyes, weak in a dimly lit floor.
It was all a dream!
A myth when I was a child.
To think that I had desperately chased it makes me laugh.
But unbeknownst, even among myself...
Tears fell and I saw the floor in its entirety.
I'm inside a prison cell,
Caressed by the cold steel bars.
Then a loud voice echoed...
"Today is your Last Day. Death by hanging is your punishment."