A collection of stories, made into a Poetic fiction
and tailored fit with blood, tears, effort, and time.
From people's lives,
From the subconscious mind,
From randomness and reasons.
Come! Read & Explore what's behind each soul!
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Sitting here, a couple of distance away from you
There's a lot of many things to do I don't want to waste my time again.
love are all useless, that's what I tell myself
But then, these thoughts were shattered when you flickered right before me As I saw you laughing from afar, You made me smile.
I have always hated love, I don't want to waste emotions again.
Hoping and waiting, it makes me tick But whenever you're in front of me I want to hold your hand Now I think I like you, you make me want to love you.
You'll be done and gone anyway, Then nothing will be left again I try to tell myself But as I saw you again I'm so out of it And I couldn't help myself thinking about you, Worrying about you Behind this calm demeanor, I'm already shaking.
Many times, I start to hate love. It's bugging me
But whenever you are here I realize, you are the wind that calms me awake from the countless thoughts I always hear.
A sweet, adorable princess, White as snow, Blue like the sky, Half covered with clouds, spreading it's peaceful reflection.
Though at this time, I'm at my most uncomfortable state whenever you're in front of me I want to hold your hand, Call your name, Tell you I like you, Hug you beacuse I miss you, That you make me want to love you.
After that playful wink, you've got me a wishful thinking... Can I become nosy and barge in to your busy life?
There's nothing much I can offer, Yet when I do, you will know And I hate to throw empty words
That's why I haggle, With my sincerity and your good will Even always being nulled.
I know this wouldn't do So today I'll make an exemption, I'll break this binding thoughts And come to you While waving my hand, Greeting you an excited Hello!