The Girl in a Mask

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A long time ago, in a story so old there was a Beauty and and a Beast, or so I've been told. They were these two strangers, two lonely souls. But it's not what you think, no, here's how it goes:

Let's start with the Beast, he was ugly and scary. Pathetic and poor, and horribly hairy. The outside was rough, but once he smiled you could see that he had a heart of gold inside.

The Beast loved a Beauty, this pretty little thing, she was the fairest of them all, and she could dance and sing.
But unlike the beast, whose love shined the best, she loved herself, never cared for the rest...

Oh la Belle et la Bête, quelle tragédie. Elle est comme le jour. Il est comme la nuit. Il est amoureux. Elle ne se soucie pas. Vont-ils mourir tout seule? On verra.

One day the beast found the Beauty "perfection" sitting by the lake, making love to her reflection. The Beast then decided that it was the time to tell the pretty Beauty of his feelings inside. He stepped out from the shades with a flower in hand, said bravely:

"My lady, the fairest in this land,
I might not be a prince, but my heart beats for you!"

Oh the Beauty just laughed, so cold, so cruel.

"You smelly old fat hairy pig", she said, "You thought I could love you? I'd rather be dead!"

Still laughing she turned and danced to her home leaving the Beast, heart-broken and all alone...

Oh la Belle et la Bête, quelle tragédie. Elle est comme le jour. Il est comme la nuit. Il est amoureux mais s'en fout. Qui sera content après tout?

While the Beauty lives all by herself still today the Beast learned his lesson and changed his ways. He found that true beauty cannot be seen and that things are most likely not what they seem...


She promenaded with a slight skip in her step. Her beautiful bright red curls bouncing in the breeze and trailing behind her as she arrived at the academy. Her painted red lips pursing slightly as she halted just in front of the door.

She fixed her mask and brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes.

The door swung open and she pranced inside. Sharp blues orbs scanning the room as a shallow smile spread across her face. She strode confidently through the room.

"Good morning Akai-san." Iruka greeted her as she set her things aside and settled in her seat.

"Good morning, Iruka-sensei." She chirped cheerfully in response. The routinely pleasantries were always taxing but she didn't really mind, "How are you this wonderful morning?"

Iruka chuckled. "Just fine, Akai-san. And you?"

Akai fluttered her lashes, her tone becoming light and dreamy. "Oh Iruka-sensei...I had such a lovely dream. I was a powerful kunoichi that managed to defeat Hokage-sama in a spar!"

She flushed.

"...but it was only a dream." Her cheeks turned red as her classmates snickered.

"Well, I think that's a great dream!" Naruto barked, his arms waving wildly as he made several dramatic gestures for emphasis. "Becoming strong enough to beat Oji-san is my dream too 'cause one day I'm going to be the Hokage!"

"Like you could do that, Uzumaki." Sakura laughed harshly, "At least Akai's strong and her dreams are attainable. You're just hopeless—-right Sasuke-kun? Right?"


Akai frowned though she didn't completely disagree, "I think Naruto could become strong if he really worked hard enough... he's an Uzumaki after all."

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