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When it wasn't one of her lesson days with the Hokage, Akai liked to work on her projects. Experiments, she called them. Dozens of them all in one day. She wanted to test the limits and see exactly what chakra couldn't do. The possibilities in this world were endless. And even if she knew something was possible it wasn't the same as actually doing it herself.


Science wasn't something she was ever able to learn in her last life. Or at least able to fully appreciate. Science in this chakra-filled universe was just...


She needed a microscope.

My projects are beginning to become expensive. Akai thought to herself with a huff, it'll take too many D-rank missions...


Maybe if I get a C-rank and prove myself so Sensei will let me do a couple B-ranks.

Akai paused.

No.. not 'Sensei', 'Sensei' suggests some sort of emotional attachment.

She couldn't afford to become fond of a dead man.

Professor, then.

Akai frowned at the thought of Sarutobi's death at Orochimaru's hands. It—-It bothered her. But she wasn't attached, oh no, never attached. That would be absurd. It was for a different reason: he was the Professor. That meant that he was quite knowledgeable. It would be a waste to not take advantage of that and learn as much as she could before then.

She had until the Chunin exams to learn as much as she could.

And then...

And then?

She faltered.

What would she do?

Akai was strong—of that she had no doubt, but compared to some of the monsters out there?

She was only scratching the surface.

There were people of legendary strength out there and compared to them she was nothing.


Akai didn't like that.

Some people are born for greatness and others are born for great mediocrity.

She was born for greatness.

She had to be.

Why else would she be reborn?


"Could I be sent on a mission, sir?" Akai asked politely. "All my former classmates have already gone on missions but I—well, I haven't yet and I'm afraid of falling behind."

"Oh? A student of the Hokage fearing that she maybe falling behind?"

Akai flushed.

"I—I mean no disrespect, Sensei." She stammered meekly, "it's just... well, I've always wanted to... it's hard to explain."

"I understand, Akai-chan." Sarutobi said with a smile. "And I think I have a perfect mission."

Akai perked up.


"Team Seven will be leaving for a mission tomorrow." Sarutobi said, "among them is Naruto Uzumaki. Perhaps you would enjoy going on a mission with family?"

"That's sounds lovely." Awful, more like.

Still,  Akai grinned enthusiastically.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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