The Abuse

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Y/n pov.....

My parents were arguing while I was sitting in my room minding my own business. My parents tend to fight with each other a lot and then they come up to my room and take out all of their anger on me by abusing me and physically beating me.

And its starting to get worse day by day. Everyday, I have to go to school covered in cuts and bruises and I always have to make up accuses for why I am covered in cuts and bruises.

And technically I'm not even meant to be in school but my parents made me repeat grade 12 because they weren't happy with my grades.

Thankfully my principal is a very nice guy and he just made it seem like I am repeating the 12th grade when I'm not.

I only go to school to please my parents and I don't have to do anything because my teacher know about my situation and they all said that they would just pass me and I wouldn't have to worry about anything.

Especially my English teacher who happens to be my boyfriend. His name is Namjoon and the principal knows that we are dating and technically it is legal because I'm not really repeating the 12th grade.

So he gets to keep his job and he still gets to teach which is a good thing for us students because the last few English teachers we had sucked and they didn't know anything so I ended up teaching my class because I speak English as a second language and I have been learning it since I was able to walk.

My door swung open and my dad walked in. He was holding a bottle of whiskey in his left hand as he walked over to me. He was clearly drunk because he was having a hard time walking over to me.

When he reached me, he slapped me across my face, leaving a huge red mark where he slapped me. I grabbed my face as I did my best to hold back my tries.

"What the hell was that for!?" I asked.

"For being brought into this fucking world." My dad replied.

I went to get up off my bed but my dad pushed me and I fell down and I scraped my hand and my left knee. My dad then proceeded to beat me up and I just let it happen like I always do because if I fight back it will only make it worse.

~ time skip ~ ~ 20 mins later ~

After about 20 minutes of my dad abusing me, he finally left my room and slammed my door shut behind him. I was laying on my floor curled up into a little ball, silently crying my eyes out. Why does this shit always happen to me. I can't imagine what they would do if they were to find out that I am dating my teacher and that I am no longer a virgin. The fact that I have had sex before I get married is just going to piss them off and they will most likely kick me out of the house and tell our hole family to never speak to me again but my family knows that my parents are fucking crazy and they are fucking alcoholics.

They have tried to get me away from them but no matter how hard they try to get me away from them, nothing has worked and unfortunately I'm stick with them for the rest of my life.

If I ever have kids one day, my parents will not be apart of my kids life and I for sure will not treat my kids the way they have been treating me my hole life. And for damn sure. I will make sure that my kids are loved and that they have the best life ever. No matter what.

One day I will get to escape from this hell hole of a life they have given me and I'll be free. And I won't ever talk to them ever again. And that day is coming soon. I just know it is.

A/n: hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for how short it was. I know it was probably shit but this is based off of s dream I had a while back and dont question why the hell I would have a dream like this because I don't know why I had this dream to begin with. Don't to vote and comment. Anyways, imma go now. And remember, you nice keep going!!!!! Bye!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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