Chapter 4: Questionable trust

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Who's there? - Fabio asked trying to find someone in the darkness.

- I'm here. - A flashlight has been lit from the other side of a glass. He was a subway security guard. He had not shaved or showered for a long time because of its strong smell and miserable appearance. Carried a machine gun and a flashlight. He looked at Fabio with suspicion and anger - Who are you? One of the monsters? - He kept the gun pointed at him.

- No! My name is Fabio Anchieta and this. - He showed his arms. - It has nothing to do with these things.

- You! They've been talking about you a lot lately!

The machine gun fired. Fabio crouched down and hid under a table.

- Hey! What you doing?! If we work together we ...

- I must be stuck here for weeks! I'm only sure of one thing. I'll have to kill you sometime!

- What? ... - He started to leave. - What is your name?

- My name is Geraldo.

Fabio saw him disappear through a door. A television in the living room turned on by itself and had a hiss and drizzle. He ignored her and went out the door.

He learned from a sign that it was an old tunnel used for maintenance on the subway.

Fabio thought about the fact that Geraldo spoke. Weeks. Fabio had been transformed a few days ago. So it wasn't because of him that these ... Monsters came as that officer accused. And according to Geraldo, the monsters knew him. He had this impression.

- Turn off the lights.

He obeyed the seductive voice. He put out his sparks. But he was immediately startled by the darkness. He lit up the place and looking everywhere. Feeling a sweet, mesmerizing scent in the air. He tense and struggling with the paralysis of fear.

A shout at the end of the tunnel caught his eye.

- Marisa! - He recognized, ran and entered a room with some generators, he can see a man walking slowly between two generators, in heavy steps of anger.

Fabio passed the two generators, but found him turning into a corridor.

He ran into that corridor and found a ladder and a door. He decided to go up the stairs and saw through the window of an office the shadow of a woman passing by and a phone ringing inside that office. He entered and found no one but an open door to a file room flooded with blood dripping from the ventilation duct. The phone rang non-stop.

With great courage, he answered it:

- Fabio!

- "Friend"!

- Yeah, it's me! - The "Friend" was on the line. - I tried to talk to you on television twice! - Fabio was surprised. - You are blind, deaf or what not to see a TV that turns itself on and emits a loud drizzle sound.

- Me...

- Whatever you're doing on the subway, get out of there and out of town now!

- Why...

- Things are getting worse by the moment. Get out of town NOW !!!!

The phone went dead and a corpse fell from the ventilation duct into the pool of blood. Fabio almost fell with the scare. Ugly lacerations on the body. He looked at the body's bloody hands and nails. It looked like he had killed himself with his bare hands.

Fabio returned to the stairs, going down the stairs he saw that the word danger was written on the floor and an arrow pointing to the door. Both made by blood.

He entered through the door he had ignored before and there was another hallway with a door at the end. But locked. With no option, he decided to make his way back. The door she entered through being closed by the man who must have been Marisa's boyfriend:

- She is mine!

He was irritated by the suggestion, he already had problems with his life and someone wanted to involve him as the culprit. He opened the door and continued down a corridor. He found no sign of the man or Marisa anymore. He had the impression of being watched. He went into a room. There was a working lamp, but it soon went out. Shelves with canned goods, furniture and old appliances. He didn't seem to be on the subway anymore.

He found a notepad on the floor, soaked in blood. He read the notes not ruined by the blood:

"Now I'm almost dead...

My family at home doesn't believe me. Nobody else. They say I'm seeing things. But if everything is in my head. So how that abomination took Bruno's head off with a punch... "

Anchieta leafed through and found another manuscript:

"We are prisoners here...

A girl was found dead today. Her parents are trying to find the culprit ... Just what was on guard tonight..."

He flipped through and found:

"We found him dead. Everyone is accusing that girl's father ... "

Fabio flipped through the notebook and found the last note:

"I wish anyone reading this to die."

Fabio threw the notebook away.

He removed the objects that blocked a door. He took one object after another, until he took out a cabinet and then he could see the door. And a newspaper clipping from a recent edition. With a photo of Fabio on top of the roof, his hands dropping rays. The knife was attached to the door. Exactly about Fabio and with blood around him like a circle.

He pulled out the newspaper clipping and mashed it. Trying to use anger against terror. His hand kneading hard to try to stop the tremors. Breathing fast.

Through the door he entered the Sé station. Surprised he went to the middle of the station. It had two underground floors and one on the surface cut by a circular hole that covered all floors forming a cylinder. On the floor in the center of that hole. A trapped man, wrapped in a Spider's web. His skin dead and dry. The exits and accesses to other areas were blocked by webs that were so close together, they were hard as concrete, only the stairs that led to the other floors were free.

When he got very close, the man woke up and coughed up blood.

- Run away... - He said with difficulty. - Arachnid will... Hunt... You.

He died.

- Arachnid? - Fabio said before taking a sign that was with the man and putting it in his pocket. The lights went out, he heard a strange growl, then the lights came back. He looked around to find something. A spider web caught him and took him up with incredible dexterity and speed.

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